Two events honoring author Stratis Myrivilis were staged in Cotsen Hall on the occasion of forty years after his death. Both brought large crowds to Cotsen Hall showcasing the significance of the author and his appeal to varied audiences. The Archive of Stratis Myrivilis was donated to the Gennadius Library by the family of the author in 1999. It has been catalogued and is available for study. On December 7, 2009 writers Vassilis Vassilikos, Menis Koumantareas and Christos Homenidis reflected on three novels by the reknowned author while actor Dimitris Kataleifos read excerpts from Myrivilis’s works. A small exhibition of manuscripts and photos from the Myrivilis Archive put together by Reference Archivist, Leda Costaki, allowed the public to see some interesting parts of the Archive. On January 27, 2010, actors Natalia Stylianou, Nikos Gkesoulis, and Stratis Panourios of the artistic organization “Kochyli” enlivened well known stories and heroes based on six short stories from the Colored Books of Stratis Myrivilis directed by Stratis Panourios. Musicians Yiannis Pseimadas and Leda Xydia performed traditional instruments on stage.