Thanks to the Mellon Foundation, the EU/Information Society grant, and the School’s Information Systems & Technology Manager, Tarek Elemam, the ASCSA workrooms in the Ancient Corinth museum and Hill House now enjoy coverage under the same network.  To hook up the laser link cameras which project the network across the road, Tarek spent most of yesterday climbing up and down a ladder (Sorry! no photos), hardly stopping to enjoy the breathtaking view of the Corinthian Gulf .  The laser link devices, which proved suitable for this new purpose, were formerly used to carry the network across Souidias to the Gennadius Library.  The museum’s new network will offer better service for file sharing and synchronization of data with the new 2 Tb server (courtesy of the EU/Information Society grant) which is housed in the basement of Hill House.  Internet access will also be available for the first time in the Museum.