On March 28, 2012, Edward E. Cohen, Fulbright Scholar at the American School in the 1960’s, Trustee Emeritus, and current member of the Gennadius Board of Overseers, spoke to a group of some 100 guests at the Embassy of Greece in Washington D.C. ASCSA Trustee Dr. Hunter Rawlings, President of the American Association of Universities, introduced Dr. Cohen who spoke on “Financial Crisis! Economic Lessons from Ancient Athens.”  Dr. Cohen discussed the relationship between the current Greek, European, and American financial crises. He also examined what both Greece and America could learn from the experiences of the ancient Greeks. This lecture was a repeat of his popular lecture given in Cotsen Hall in February. Watch it here. Dr. Cohen specializes in Ancient Athenian social and economic history, and is an authority on Athenian banking in the classical period.  His own banking career includes some 20 years as Chairman of the Board and/or Chairman of the Executive Committee of State National Bank of Maryland, and similar service with Jefferson Bank (Pennsylvania).