Guy Sanders presenting clay sources at a clay mine west of Acrocorinth
From February 23 to 25, 2012 Ancient Corinth was the site of a workshop on Corinth and its Archaic Colonies. Alongside 'local' Corinthian staff and scholars, participants included Stavros Paspalas, Anthi Angeli, Sanne Houby-Nielson, Soren Dietz, Kalliope Sarri, Jack Davis, and Shari Stocker, representing work at Potidaia, Ambracia, Chalkis in Aetolia, and Apollonia. In addition to presentations on the colonies in the evenings, excavation director Guy Sanders presented a wide range of material on Corinth, its geology and geography, and its resources related to ceramic industry.
The seminar is a pilot project to introduce Corinth Excavations, its collections, and the site to scholars working on material and regions related to Corinth. The intention is to build a community of scholars who regularly share ideas and knowledge, and open Corinth and its collections to a wider audience. In the future, follow-up workshops with returnees and new participants will be offered to expand the series and explore other chronological periods and subjects.