Elina Salminen uncovering a burial north of the church.
Corinth Excavations has reached the midpoint of the 2015 excavation season with three teams digging in the Frankish area south of Temple E and two teams in the Agonotheteion of the South Stoa. ASCSA members Tim Brannelly, Danielle Smotherman, Emilio Rodriguez-Alvarez, Elina Salminen, Lucas Stephens, Kurtis Tanaka, and Wes Bennett have been supervising in the Frankish area under the direction of Larkin Kennedy and Guy Sanders. Rossana Valente is assisting in the pottery sheds. Sarah James’ University of Colorado team of Elizabeth Cummings, Machal Gradoz, Alyssa Friedman, and Melanie Godsey is digging in the South Stoa. Their work is preparing the room for resetting the mosaic. More on the conservation of the Eutyxia mosaic here.
Emilio Rodriguez-Alvarez has been creating a webpage for tourists for the Frankish area. Wes Bennett is working on CAD/GIS plans of the Frankish area. Hilary Lehmann is assisting in the museum. And Vince Valenti is volunteering in the conservation lab.
Excavation continues until late June.