co-supervisors Jess Lamont and Alison Fields discuss events in their area
The 2013 season at Ancient Corinth officially came to a close Friday June 14. South of the South Stoa, students excavated in Byzantine and Late Roman levels, encountering the first glimpses of stratified Hellenistic and Classical. This year's energetic group in the field included Kate Larson, Jon Meyer, Grace Erny, Emily Joy, Alison Fields, Jessica Lamont, Hilary Lehmann, Kyle Jazwa, Mohammed Ali Bhatti, Dan Diffendale, Katherine Harrington and Jana Mokrisova. Rossana Valente was the field director with the initial help of Heather Graybehl in the first session. Kate Larson assisted in the museum identifying coins and glass. Audrey Blumstein is volunteering in the museum, organizing pottery deposits from the Potters' Quarter, identifying and cataloging excavation coins, and transcribing Swift's notebook. Larkin Kennedy is continuing her work with the human bone collection while cataloguing Asklepieion votives and connecting them context descriptions. Larkin is also transcribing De Waele's excavation notebooks from the Asklepieion.