Professor Spyros Iakovides, the president of the conference’s organizing committee, and Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst
The city of New Corinth celebrated its sesquicentennial anniversary with a conference held 26-28 September. Corinth Excavations offered papers by Guy Sanders and Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst. Guy’s talk, “H άρχαιολογία της Κορίνθου στίς δεκαετίες αμέσος πριν και μετά την Eλλινική Επανάσταση” (The Archaeology of Corinth in the Decades Immediately Before and After the Greek War of Independence), discussed among other things, the 19th century horizon of the excavations in the Panayia Field (see “19th Century Buildings” mid-page) and the earthquake that leveled Ancient Corinth 150 years ago. Ioulia’s paper highlighted recent work in Corinth’s prehistory and was entitled “Η πρώτη πόλις της Κορινθου- Έρεθνες στου Κοράκου 1915-2008” (The First City of Corinth: Investigations at Korakou 1915-2008). The Archbishop Hieronymos spoke. Other colleagues who delivered papers included Professor Spyros Iakovides, Professor Basilis Patrakos, Dimitris Athanasoulis and his team from the Byzantine Ephoreia of Corinth, Apostolos Papafotiou and Xenia Crysafi.