C. M. Woodhouse’s War in Greece in Fiction, Memoir, and History

Professor David Roessel
The Annual Archives Lecture for 2016-17 featured Professor David Roessel of Stockton University who talked about Monty Woodhouse's fictional war stories, published in One Omen (1950). After the lecture, Naijasia Thomas of Stockton University performed on stage Woodhouse's "The Saddle." The leture was attended by the U.S. Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt, and Mrs. Mary Pyatt.
"I have read One Omen with admiration and emotion. The book consists of twelve short stories, each complete in itself, but each contributing also to teh account of an episode in Greek Resistance... The book is based on fact; and nobody has a better claim to know the truth than Mr. Woodhouse. But since he is writing fiction and not history, he has laid the emphasis on character rather than on action..." wrote Dilys Powell in her review of the book.
Historian Christopher Montague Woodhouse, 5th Baron Terrington, was born in 1917. During WW II he served in Greece. On the night of September 30th 1942, he was dropped on a mountain near Delphi. He stayed there, in contacts with all sort of resistance until after D-Day, re-entering in September 1944, as Colonel and Commander of the Allied Military Mission. Later he became Member of the British Parliament for Oxford. Woodhouse is the author of several books:
Modern Greece: A Short History - 1968
The Philhellenes - 1971
Capodistria: The Founder of Greek Independence -1973
The Struggle for Greece - 1976
Karamanlis: The Restorer of Greek Democracy - 1982
Something Ventured (autobiography) - 1982
The Rise and Fall of the Greek Colonels - 1985
George Gemistos Plethon: The Last of the Hellenes - 1986
The event is available online.