Blegen Library - Wishes
" We would like to wish you and your loved ones the renewal of love, happiness, and life, especially during these difficult times.
Have a wonderful Easter from all of us in the Blegen Library! "
Even though the library remains closed following the Greek government directives regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, new books keep on coming regularly, being catalogued and processed in the stacks, in order to serve our researchers’ needs once we’re open again. Information on our new acquisitions can be found here: New Acquisitions
In the meantime, we would like to remind you of our list of Electronic Resources, which includes a variety of open access journal titles and open access resources.
More open access materials can be found online, for example through Google Scholar.
A number of individual publishers, offer a variety of open access titles as well.
Also in terms of electronic resources, non-members should notice that JSTOR is offering the option to view up to 100 articles per month (instead of 6) by creating a JSTOR account (Create Account) The offer is valid until June 30. For more information please visit (JSTOR resources during COVID-19)
JSTOR also maintains an extensive section on open access and public domain content (Browse JSTOR content).
Another web site to mention is Project MUSE, the online platform of Johns Hopkins University Press, where a large number of publishers have made all or part of their journals and e-books freely accessible until the end of May or June (Browse Project MUSE)
As usual, the Blegen Library staff remains at your disposal, should you need any assistance with your research.
Looking forward to seeing all soon.