“1821,”, a new documentary series produced by SKAI-TV, premiered this month. The series provides a fresh look at events before and during the Greek Revolution. History is made accessible to a general audiences through cinematographic visualizations, and episodes explore the motivations of the leaders in the Revolution, the conditions of everyday life in the Ottoman Empire, and the course of the most important and dramatic battles that occurred during the Greek struggle for independence. Authentic costumes, arms, armor, and domestic implements of the Ottoman era contribute to a sense of realism. The first episode of the series, broadcast on Tuesday, 25 January, featured, among things, the American School’s excavations at Ancient Corinth. Guy Sanders described in detail a mixed Christian and Muslim cemetery of the 17th / 18th century cemetery dig there and discussed the cultural and social dynamics between the populations which interred their dead in it.
For more information on the series, see http://1821.skai.gr/