How to Date Fortifications? Architecture, Poliorcetics and Civic History in Apollonia in Illyria and in Boeotia
Presented By
ASCSA /EFA Meli Lecture Series
Nicolas Genis, Thierry Lucas - EFA
ASCSA, M. H. Wiener Laboratory Seminar Room54 Souidias st.,
Athens 10676
The French School at Athens (EFA) and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) present a new cycle of lectures intended to present the research of their respective junior members.
This platform is intended to stimulate discussions and exchanges among the members of the Foreign Schools. It promotes the research of the EFA and ASCSA junior members, as well as young scholars associated with the two Schools.
The meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 18h00 (on a monthly basis), alternately in the Lecture Room of the EFA (Didotou 6) and in the Wiener Lab at the ASCSA.