Aristocrats and Horses in Democratic Athens
Presented By
Hippos Lecture Series,
American School of Classical Studies
Judy Barringer,
University of Edinburgh
ASCSA Cotsen Hall - Hybrid Lectures, Anapiron Polemou 9, Athens 106 76Anapiron Polemou 9
Athens 106 76
The lecture will be in English
By registering you will be able to submit your questions through Q&A on Zoom.
** Guests attending Cotsen Hall events are required to wear a mask and to present valid COVID-19 vaccination certificates or certificates of recovery (valid for 180 days) along with ID.
About the lecture:
Horses were always associated with the elite in Ancient Greece, and Athens was no exception. Although the Kleisthenic reforms ushered in a new political organization, attitudes toward hippic activities did not evidence a dramatic change, contrary to the claims of some scholars. Instead, equestrian activities, especially in the realms of sport and warfare, continued to elicit widespread support and were commemorated by monumental sculptures in the city.
About the speaker:
Judith M. Barringer is Professor of Greek Art and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh, where she has been since 2005. She did the Summer Session at the American School in 1984 and has had a long association with the school, including an NEH Fellowship. Her publications concentrate on vase painting iconology, myth and religion, social history, and contextual readings of sculpture in both public sanctuaries and private contexts. Her most recent publications are a monograph, Olympia: A Cultural History (Princeton University Press, 2021), and a collection of essays, Images at the Crossroads (Edinburgh University Press 2022) that she co-edited with François Lissarrague and to which she contributed. Her textbook, The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece (Cambridge University Press 2014) received the PROSE (Professional Scholarly Excellence) Award for the best textbook in the Arts and Humanities from the American Association of Publishers (2016) and the Bolchazy Book Award (2018).