ASCSA Newsletter

November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST-Three Hellenistic‘Naiskoi’ in the Theater Area at Aigeira:Architecture in an Urban Context

Alexandra Tanner (University of Zurich)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Greek Techniques of Construction and Representation in the Sikel Heartland

Brian McConnell (Florida Atlantic University)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - The Temple and Hestiatorion of the Sanctuary on Despotiko: Archaeology, Architecture

Yannos Kourayos (Cycladic Ephorate of Antiquities), Goulielmos Orestides, Dimitris Egglezos, Eua-Eleni Toumpakari (Directorate for the Restoration of Ancient Monuments),Vasilis Papavasileiou, Kornilia Daifa (Ministry of Culture) Ο ναός και το εστιατόριο του ιερού στο Δεσποτικό: αρχαιολογία, αρχιτεκτονική, αναστήλωση

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - The Small Limestone Buildings on the Acropolis of Athens

Nancy Klein (Texas A&M University)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Early Temples Built of Wood and Stone: New Finds from Kalapodi (Phokis)

Nils Hellner (DAI, Athens)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - The Polychromy of Greek Architecture: Two Centuries of Research

Arnd Hennemeyer (ETH Zurich)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Changing Concepts of Stability in Monumental Greek Architecture: Ancient Practice and Mo

Wilhelm Osthues (DAI, Berlin), Frank Prietz (Beuth Hochschule für Technik)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - New Evidence for the Construction Phases of the Parthenon Peristyle

Vasileia Manidaki (Acropolis Restoration Service, YSMA)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Looking at the Unfinished: Roughed-out Ornamentation in Greek Architecture

Matthias Grawehr (University of Zurich)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Ancient Blueprints in Light of Recent Discoveries: The Theater at Miletus

Jeanne Capelle (École Normale Supérieure, IRAA, Lyon 2)

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Mark Wilson Jones - New Approaches and Old Paradigms for Interpreting Greek Architecture

Opening Keynote Lecture - Mark Wilson Jones - New Approaches and Old Paradigms for Interpreting Greek Architecture

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November 29, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Introductions: James Wright, Director, ASCSA, Phil Sapirstein and David Scahill

International Conference, "New Approaches and Paradigms in the Study of Greek Architecture."

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November 29, 2016

Meet a Member: Jamieson Donati

Meet Jamieson Donati, a Senior Associate Member and NEH Fellow researching mediterranean urbanism and landscape archaeology using satellite remote sensing, GIS, and geophysics.

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VIDEOCAST - Η περιφερειακή πολιτιστική πολιτική: Η αξία και η μαγεία των συνεργειών

November 28, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Η περιφερειακή πολιτιστική πολιτική: Η αξία και η μαγεία των συνεργειών

Σταύρος Μπένος, Πρόεδρος του Σωματείου ΔΙΑΖΩΜΑ

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VIDEOCAST - Ακολουθίες Αγίων και Χάρτινες Εικόνες

November 22, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Ακολουθίες Αγίων και Χάρτινες Εικόνες

Η Αναστασία Τούρτα, Κρίτων Χρυσοχοΐδης

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Athenian Agora XXXVII: Amphora Stamps from Thasos Published

November 17, 2016

Athenian Agora XXXVII: Amphora Stamps from Thasos Published

Athenian Agora XXXVII: Amphora Stamps from Thasos is now published and available for purchase.

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November 17, 2016

Hesperia 85.4 Now Online!

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of Hesperia 85.4. Topics in this issue include the gold rings of the Griffin Warrior, the Archaic Temple of Poseidon at Sounion, the cult of the nymphs at Corinth, two Hellenistic inscribed silver vessels, and the conversion of the Hephaisteion from a pagan temple to a Christian church.

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November 15, 2016

Meet a Member: Joshua Vera

Meet Joshua Vera, an Associate Member and Fulbright Fellow working on a Doctoral Dissertation in ancient Mediterranean history at the University of Chicago.

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November 15, 2016

News Entry 2

has cat 1 and cat 2, keyword broat and steve

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VIDEOCAST - Phaleron Delta: the Archaic Necropolis at the Southern Edge of the City

November 15, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Phaleron Delta: the Archaic Necropolis at the Southern Edge of the City

Dr. Stella Chrysoulaki, Ephor, Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus, Western Attica, and the Islands

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November 14, 2016

Austrian Students from Vienna at the ASCSA

On October 27th, 2016, Dr. Georg Ladstätter of the Austrian Archaeological Institute and Professor Maria Stassinopoulou of the University of Vienna together with a small group of graduate students visited the Gennadius Library and the Archives of the American School.

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November 2, 2016

Colophon Excavations Archive

Deirmendere, Asia Minor, April 13, 1922. The excavation house is now in a little better order than it was yesterday and the day before... When both the tents were pitched, we gave the two ladies [Hetty Goldman and Lulu Eldrigde] the choice of living quarters and of course they took the lower tent, which we all claim to be better... The beds we have were shipped from Athens in large wooden boxes and we are using these boxes now as our bureaus..." wrote a young Benjamin Meritt (23 years old) to his fiancée Elizabeth Kirkland from Colophon.

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VIDEOCAST - Converting Risk into Knowledge

October 26, 2016

VIDEOCAST - Converting Risk into Knowledge

Religion & the Economics of the Sea at the Bronze Age-Iron Age Transition Barbara Kowalzig

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VIDEOCAST - History in Shadows: Shadow Theater Venues and Audiences in Greece and Turkey

October 26, 2016

VIDEOCAST - History in Shadows: Shadow Theater Venues and Audiences in Greece and Turkey

Anna Stavrakopoulou will talk on "Karaghiozis Performances from the Cities to the Countryside" while Serdar Öztürk will give a speach on "The Affective Public Sphere: Karagöz Talks to Ottoman Coffeehouse Frequenters".

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October 23, 2016

Meet a Member: Katherine Harrington

Katherine Harrington is a Senior Associate Member at the American School of Classical Studies researching domestic production and household industry.

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