
As of March 2016, the Wiener Laboratory has been operating in its new, free standing, three storied building. The new laboratory has sufficient and proper storage for its permanent comparative collections and temporary storage units for materials to be analyzed, state-of-the-art laboratories for sampling and analyzing organic and inorganic materials, new analytical equipment and designated spaces for study and consultation (carrels and offices, library and computing facilities, seminar and meeting rooms), and administrative and support offices.

Facilities and Equipment

The Laboratory provides state-of-the-art facilities and new analytical equipment for sampling and analyzing organic and inorganic materials.

Comparative Collections

A number of comparative collections have already been developed and are constantly being added to, while new collections to support emerging areas of research are being planned.

Bibliographical Resources

The laboratory's extensive specialist library holdings offer access to journals and books not available elsewhere in Greece, as well as maps and other resources.

Video Tutorials

The Video tutorials provide useful information to people interested in the archaeological sciences.