The Temple of Apollo Bassitas II: The Sculpture
by Brian C. Madigan
Temple of Apollo Bassitas II
158 pp, 13 figs, 68 pls
9" x 11.5"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-947-6
Publication Date: Nov 1992
Status: Active
Retail Price $100
The definitive publication of the Temple of Apollo at Bassai, in the northwest Peloponnese, this is one of four volumes representing the culmination of years of study by Professor Fred Cooper of the University of Minnesota and other scholars throughout the world. An identifiable work of Iktinos, the architect of the Parthenon, the building exhibits numerous unusual and uncanonical features that heralded a revolution in Greek architectural design. Volume II contains Brian Madigan’s study of the sculptural program and Cooper’s analysis of the relevant parts of the entablature.