Kea Excavations Records

Series I: Excavation Records
Subseries I.1: Excavation Notebooks (60 notebooks)
Subseries I.2: Pottery Notebooks
Subseries I.3: Architect’s files and drawings
Subseries I.4: Photographs
Series II: Study and Publications
Subseries II.1: Reports
Subseries II.2: Samples and Scientific Analyses, Surface Surveys, Geomorphology
Subseries II.3: Publications
Series III: Administrative Records and Correspondence
Series IV: Excavation accounts
Series V: Miscellaneous
Collection Number: GR ASCSA ExcRec 001
Name of Creator(s): John L. Caskey (1909-1981); Elizabeth Schofield (1935-2005)
Title: Kea Excavations Archive
Date(s): 1960-1989
Language(s): English
Summary: Excavations on the island of Keos (Kea) at the sites of Ayia Irini and Kephala were conducted by the University of Cincinnati from 1960-1965, 1966-1968, and 1969-1970, under the direction of John L. Caskey. Work continued under the direction of Elizabeth Schofield until the late 1980s. The Kea Archive contains excavation notebooks, reports, drawings, photographs, correspondence, administrative records, and accounts.
Quantity: 9 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Elizabeth Schofield
Information about Access: Restricted access. Please contact the ASCSA Archivist for information.
Notes: The catalog was prepared by Leda Costaki in 2014.
For more information, please contact the Archives:
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
phone: +30-213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
Contact via E-mail
Series I: Excavation Records
Subseries I.1: Excavation Notebooks (60 notebooks)
Box 1
Excavation Notebooks I-XI
Ayia Irini & Kephala, 1960-1961, 1962 (JLC) [continues in KEA XIII]
A, L
Ayia Irini, 1960-1961 (EGC) [area L on pp. 56-59]
Ayia Irini, 1961, 1975 (Temple, House B) (AHB) [continues in KEA XV & LVIII] [Miriam Caskey has KEA III]
Ayia Irini, 1961 [continues in KEA IX]
D, E, J, N
Ayia Irini, 1961 [continues in KEA XIV]
Ayia Irini, 1961
Ayia Irini, 1961, 1963 [continues in KEA XVIII]
N, E
Ayia Irini, 1961, 1964 [continued from KEA XIV]
Ayia Irini, 1961 continued from Notebook IV, 1963 (JCO) [continues in KEA XVII]
ΚΦ [Kephala], X [Ayia Irini]
Kephala, 1961 (EC), 1963 (C. Renfrew, JCO), 1964 (JEC), 1965 (JEC), 1966 (obsidian analysis continues in KEA XXVI, p. 165) & Ayia Irini (Area X), 1963
KEA XI [digitized]
ΚΦ [Kephala]
Kephala, 1961 (PHA), 1963 (TWJ), including General Index of Kephala 1960-1963 (pp. 160-162) [R. Stroud? p.46, C. Renfrew?]
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized notebooks, but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Kea Excavation Records, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Box 2
Excavation Notebooks XII-XXV
Ayia Irini, 1961, 1963
Ayia Irini, 1963, 1964 (JLC) & Kephala, 1964 (EGC) [continued from KEA I, continues in KEA XX]
J, G, N, M
Ayia Irini, 1963, 1964 (WK) [continued from KEA V]
1963 (AHB) [continued from KEA III] [Miriam Caskey has KEA XV]
Ayia Irini, 1963 (EGC)
Ayia Irini, 1963 (JCO) (with a 1978 note on elevation of wall CJ, p. 157)
Ayia Irini, 1963 (ETB), 1966 (KB) [continued from KEA VII, continues in KEA XXIX]
Ayia Irini, 1963, 1964 (EGC)
Gen-B, A, F, M, N, G, E, J
Ayia Irini, 1964 (Temple) (JLC), Kephala (pp. 63 ff), Troullos (pp. 69-70) (with record of photographs taken in 1964) [continued from KEA XIII, continues in KEA XXV] [Miriam Caskey has KEA XX]
F, G
Ayia Irini, 1964, 1965, 1966 (AO) [continues in KEA XXVII, XXXVI]
Ayia Irini, 1964, 1966 (JEC) [continues in KEA XXXI]
Ayia Irini, 1964 [continued from KEA XIX]
Ayia Irini, 1964, 1965 (note, p. 49), 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974
Ayia Irini, 1965, 1966 (JLC) & record of photographs, pp. 83-198 [continued from KEA XX, continues in KEA XXX]
Box 3
Excavation Notebooks XXVI-XXXIX
KEA XXVI [digitized]
Kephala, 1966, 1967 (Areas L & F), 1968 (note on elevations on p. 137), 1969 (surface finds and notes on lower cemetery), 1970-1971 (surface finds & samples for metal analysis), 1973 (surface finds), Obsidian analysis & reanalysis on pp.153 -170 including Paoura obsidian (continued from KEA X, p. 174), Technical Notes on metallurgy (Tylecote, on p. 185-186)
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized notebooks, but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Kea Excavation Records, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
G, F
Ayia Irini, 1966 (AO) [area F continues in KEA XXXVI, p. 22 and KEA XLV, p. 103]
J, E, D
Ayia Irini, 1966, 1967 [continues in KEA XXXIX]
Ayia Irini, 1966 (KB) [continued from KEA XVIII]
Ayia Irini, 1966 (including Troullos), 1967, 1968 (JLC) [continued from KEA XXV, continues in KEA L]
Ayia Irini, 1966 (JEC) [continued from KEA XXII, continues in KEA XXXV] + 2 photos in back pocket
Ayia Irini-Troullos/Trullos, 1966 (AO) [up to p. 32, the rest is blank]
Ayia Irini, 1966 (KB) [continued from KEA XXIX] [up to p. 40 and again pp. 176-178, 185-189, 195, the rest is blank]
Ayia Irini, 1966 (Temple Road) (KB), 1967 (Temple) (MEC) [continues in KEA XXXVIII] [Miriam Caskey has KEA XXXIV]
Ayia Irini, 1966, 1967 (JEC) [continued from KEA XXXI, continues in KEA XLI], includes general index + 2 photos in back pocket
G, F (p.22)
Ayia Irini, 1966, 1967, 1968 (AO) [continued from KEA XXI, continues in KEA XLII] [area F continued from KEA XXVII, continues in KEA XLV, p. 103]
Ayia Irini, 1967 (JK) [continues in KEA XL] +envelope for small finds in back pocket with KEA stamp
Ayia Irini, 1967 (MEC) [continued from KEA XXXIV, continues in KEA XLIV] [Miriam Caskey has KEA XXXVIII]
E, J, N
Ayia Irini, 1967, 1968 [continued from KEA XXVIII] + 14 photos in back pocket
Box 4
Excavation Notebooks XL-L
Ayia Irini, 1967 (JK) [continued from KEA XXXVII]
Ayia Irini, 1967 (JEC, KAC), 1968 (AJC), 1976 (JLD) [continued from XXXV], includes general index
Ayia Irini, 1967, 1968 (AJC), 1969, 1970 (JGY) [continued from KEA XXXVI, continues in KEA LII]
Ayia Irini, 1967 (JK)
Ayia Irini, 1967 (MEC) [continued from KEA XXXVIII] [Miriam Caskey has KEA XLIV]
Ayia Irini, 1968 (LP), 1970 (cleaning of House F) [House F, rooms I, II and III excavated here as part of area C though they belong to area F, see p. 101, continued from KEA XXI, pp. 80-81, KEA XXXVI, p. 22, continues in KEA XLVII]
J, D, E, N, C
Ayia Irini, 1968, 1969, 1972
Ayia Irini, 1968, 1969 [continued from KEA XVII and KEA XLV, continues in KEA XLVIII]
C (J)
Ayia Irini, 1969 (ME), 1970 (p. 114, chance find), 1971 [continued from KEA XLIX], 1972 (JCO) [House A] [Area C overlapping into J, continued from KEA XLVII] [House E on p. 102 ff]
F, C
Ayia Irini, 1969 (LP), 1970, 1971 (ME) [continues in KEA XLVIII, p. 124]
Ayia Irini, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971 (JLC) [continued from KEA XXX, continues in KEA LIII]
Box 5
Excavation Notebooks LI-LVII and KEA property top and tech
J, E, N, D
Ayia Irini, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1976 (JD)
Ayia Irini, 1970 (JY) [continued from KEA XLII]
Ayia Irini, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974 (JLC) [continued from KEA L, continues in KEA LVI]
Ayia Irini, 1972 (Temple Road or Road IX) (ME) [Miriam Caskey has KEA LIV]
Ayia Irini, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976 (p. 51) (JCO) [continued from KEAXLVIII]
Ayia Irini, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 (JLC) [continued from KEA LIII, continues in KEA LIX]
Ayia Irini, 1975 (up to p. 19 + p. 199, the rest is blank)
Ayia Irini, 1975, 1976 [Miriam Caskey has KEA LVIII]
(JLC) [Miriam Caskey has KEA LIX]
1981 (JLC) [Miriam Caskey has KEA LX, too short, was not xeroxed]
KEA Property notebook & pencil
Mostly inventory of furniture, linen, cutlery and other household items/equipment, pharmaceutical supplies, laundry lists & prices, 1969-1983 (in back pocket card of Th. Theodorou, Hotel Karthaia)
KEA Topographical and Technical Observations notebook (informal)
Notes on sites on the island (outside Ayia Irini), 1965-1987
Box 6
9 binders with xeroxes of KEA notebooks III, XV, XX, XXXIV (many pages illegible), XXXVIII (2 copies), XLIV, LIV, LVIII, LIX (incomplete), originals not in Archives.
Subseries I.2: Pottery Notebooks
Box 7
Kea Excavations Pottery Notebooks KP-A to KP-AE (Miriam Caskey has KP-B; E. University of Cincinnati has KP-F; KP-J’s location is unknown; in Archives: 8]
Pottery Notebooks KP-A to KP-M
Kea Pottery Notebook A Area A, no 1 (EGC), with envelope with loose notes, EGC
Kea Pottery Notebook B Area B (EGC-JLC) [Miriam Caskey has KP-B]
Kea Pottery Notebook C Area C, no 1 (EGC-EM)
Kea Pottery Notebook D Areas D, E, J, N, no 1 (WK-JLD)
Kea Pottery Notebook E Kephala, no 1 (1960-1966) (JLC-JEC) [digitized]
Kea Pottery Notebook F House C , A room I (EM) [E. Schofield has KP-F]
Kea Pottery Notebook G Areas G, M & Troullos 1966 (EMS-AO-KP-JLD)
Kea Pottery Notebook H Area F (AO)
Kea Pottery Notebook J Pithoi (ME) [not in Archives]
Kea Pottery Notebook K Area A, no 2 (EGC), one loose note at back, up to p. 155, the rest is blank
Kea Pottery Notebook L Area L, no 1 (EGC-ETB)
Kea Pottery Notebook M Area M, no 1, 1963-1986 (JEC)
[I, O not given]
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized notebooks, but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Kea Excavation Records, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Box 8
Pottery Notebooks KP-N to KP-AE
Kea Pottery Notebook N, Fortifications Areas D, E, J, N, no 2 (JLC-WK)
Kea Pottery Notebook P House A (EVM) [E. Schofield has KP-P]
Kea Pottery Notebook Q Kephala, no 2 (JEC) [digitized]
Kea Pottery Notebook R Area C, no 2 (MWE) [attention: page numbers skip from 209 to 301]
Kea Pottery Notebook S Area G (AEO), with loose notes, up to p. 194, the rest is blank
Kea Pottery Notebook T Areas D, E, J, N, no 3 (WK)
Kea Pottery Notebook U Areas D, E, J, N
Kea Pottery Notebook V Middle Bronze Age (JCO)
Kea Pottery Notebook W Area C, no 3 (MWE), up to p. 153, the rest is blank
Kea Pottery Notebook X Area B (MWE) [Miriam Caskey has KP-X]
Kea Pottery Notebook Y (ES) [E. Schofield has KP-Y]
Kea Pottery Notebook Z Period VIII (CEM) [Christine Morris has KP-Z]
Kea Pottery Notebook AA Period VIII (CRH) [Carol Hershenson has KP-AA]
Kea Pottery Notebook AB [E. Schofield has KP-AB]
Kea Pottery Notebook AC [Christine Morris has KP-AC]
Kea Pottery Notebook AD [Carol Hershenson has KP-AD]
Kea Pottery Notebook AE [Carol Hershenson has KP-AE]
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized notebooks, but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Kea Excavation Records, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Box 9
Pottery Notebooks I-III (inventoried pottery) [total: 3], Misc. Objects I-III [total: 3]
Kea Pottery I Ayia Irini & Kephala (K.1-K.1970, Kph.1-Kph.43), with note in back pocket
Kea Pottery II Ayia Irini (K.1971-K.4000), with loose notes in back pocket
Kea Pottery III Ayia Irini (K.4001-K.4702), up to p. 73, the rest is blank
Kea Miscellaneous Objects I Ayia Irini & Kephala, with loose notes in back pocket
Kea Miscellaneous Objects II Ayia Irini & Kephala
Kea Miscellaneous Objects III Ayia Irini
Box 10
Kea Pottery notes (5 binders):
- Kea Pottery main period and later (xeroxes of notes)
- Kea Pottery early groups (xeroxes of notes, summaries of pottery groups)
- Kea Pottery typical shapes (xeroxes of profiles, including whorls and loomweights)
- Kea Pottery Chronology (xeroxes of notes)
- Kea Terracotta sculptures, 1965 (notes/report, copy of paper given at AIA Rhode Island 1965 by ME)
Box 11
- Binder with Kea Master List of Pottery Lots Original A-G
- Binder with Kea Master List of Pottery Lots Original J-X, including extra blank pages for master list of pottery lots
- Binder with Kea Master List of Pottery Lots Combined A-X
Box 12
Pottery Drawings
Folder 1
Lists of profile drawings, scale (1980)
Pottery drawings by areas:
Folder 2
House A, Rooms I-IX: pottery drawings
Folder 3
House A, Rooms X-XIX: pottery drawings
Folder 4
House A, Rooms XX-XXIX: pottery drawings
Folder 5
House A, Rooms XXX-XLII: pottery drawings
Folder 6
House B: pottery drawings
Folder 7
Area C: pottery drawings
Folder 8
- General, Area A (not House A): pottery drawings
- Area D: pottery drawings
- Area E: pottery drawings
- Area F: pottery drawings
- Area J: pottery drawings
Folder 9
- Area L: pottery drawings
- Area M: pottery drawings
- Area N: pottery drawings
Folder 10
- Area R: pottery drawings
- Grave 46, drawings of metal objects
- EBA pottery drawings by SAH for JLC, 1978
Box 13
Period IV pottery drawings by areas (JCO)
Folder 1
Graves, period IV: pottery drawings
Folder 2
Area C: pottery drawings
Folder 3
Area E: pottery drawings
Folder 4
Area J: pottery drawings
Folder 5
- Area A: pottery drawings
- Area L: pottery drawings
Folder 6
Piet de Jong’s pencil sketches of vases from which he made the watercolors in Cincinnati (photos in 1965 album)
Drawings of pottery and other finds
Box 14 [=flat storage]
Folder 1
- Pottery drawings (Jack Davis)
Folder 2
- Drawing of marble plaque with graffiti (copy)
Folder 3
- Terracotta statues drawings (originals: drafts, for study, for publication) by Tasoula Voutsina and Stella Bouzaki, see also Box 15 in flat storage.
Box 15 [flat storage]
Terracotta statues drawings (copies)
Subseries I.3: Architect’s files and drawings
Box 16
Kea Excavations Architecture Notebooks [total: 2]
- Architect’s Notebook I (Ayia Irini, Kephala & Troullos) (LEC, Roger Holzen, W.W. Cummer, CKW) [“Stone Drawer’s Notebook”]
- House A Architecture (LEC), survey notes 1968, mostly blank pages, one loose note
Box 17
Architect’s work sheets
Folder 1
- Ayia Irini original drawings, 1961
- field drawings, 1963
- field drawings, 1964
- Ayia Irini-Kephala field drawings, 1965
Folder 2
- field drawings, 1966
- field drawings, 1967
- survey Ayia Irini-Kephala, bay of Kea, 1966
- survey of bay, 1966-1967
- Kephala survey, 1967
Folder 3
- field drawings, 1968
- work sheets for 1/200 plan of high walls, 1/200 plans of early walls etc, 1968-1969, 1973
- work sheets (survey and site), 1969
Box 18
Architect’s work sheets
Folder 1
- field drawings, 1970
- field drawings, 1971
- field drawings, 1972
- field drawings, 1973
Folder 2
- House A: sections and elevations, field notes and first drawings, 1968, 1974, 1975, including section G and Tomb 40 (Area M), worksheet for a section, 1970
- work sheets, 1976
Folder 3
Underwater architecture (LEC):
- LEC’s 1974 underwater survey, field notes [“will be meaningless to all but drawer”] and rough draft
- Dan McCaslin’s shallow water report, 1976, including correspondence with Tucker Blackburn (1976)
- LEC’s 1977 report, including notes and observations
Folder 4
- Architect’s reports (W.W. Cummer 1982, LEC 1983, W.W. Cummer 1985, Wh. Powell-Cummer 1985)
- 1971 list of finished plans & sections
- offprint of W.W. Cummer’s article on Photogrammetry at Ayia Irini [1974]
- room numbers: plan and concordance, 1983-1984
Folder 5
Photos and photocopies of plans and drawings:
Apotheke plan, 1977, 1988
Ayia Irini promontory general plans, 1964, 1966
Ayia Irini promontory general plans and trench plans, 1967, 1968, 1970
Ayia Irini sections (general)
House A, including concordance of room numbers, 1980 (1971, 1972)
General plan of site in main period
Spring chamber-plans, sections
Plans West side-C, D, E, F, J
House F
House J
Tombs, plans and sections
EBA Houses E & D
Plans NE and East-M, G, B
Drawings/Plans (copies)
Box 19 [flat storage]
Folder 1
- Master grid plan 1961 (pencil) [001]
Folder 2
- Ayia Irini trench plan, 1961-1963-1964 [002]
- Ayia Irini trench plan, 1967-1968 [003]
- Syrvey of bay (coastline from Kephala to Korissia), 1967 [004], see [032]
- General site plan, 1968 [005]
- Kea NE overlay 20-30 [006]
- Χερσόνησος Αγίας Ειρήνης, απαλλοτριωθησομένη έκτασις, 1:200, Αύγουστος 1964, αρχιτέκτων: Ι. Τραυλός (2 copies, second copy with note: “I expect he [=Travlos] kept the original. In Cincinnati there is only a copy like this”) [007a+007b]
Folder 3
- Survey plan 20-71 [008]
Folder 4
- Kea NE overlay 20-3A [009]
- Kea NE-SE overlay #1 20-15 [010]
- Kea SE overlay 20-4A, all transferred to 20-15 [011]
- Kea SE overlay 20-4 [012]
- unlabeled section including Grave 15 [013]
- worksheet diagrammatic section and elevation wall BD-CA-Z North face 20-53 (1) [014]
- Section Room GXII-Temple Road, 1975 [015]
- worksheet DJ, 1976 [016]
Folder 5
- Section of site 19-2, 1963 [017]
- Area X 20-18, 1963 [018]
- North of modern roadway, 1964 [019]
- Site plan 20-44 with original room numbers in Roman numerals (to hang on wall) [020]
- Kea Period “F” plan 20-116, 1976 [021]
- Section north end bedrock 20-72 facing south [022]
- Section north end close to old road cutting through site 20-73 facing south [023]
Folder 6
- Trench plan 1967-1970, traced 1972 (on mylar) [024]
Folder 7
- Kea NW well plan & section 20-122, 1978 [025]
- E overlay 20-21 [026]
- House B plan [027]
- Room E.IX elevation of wall AC 20-80, 1970 [028]
- NW overlay #1 20-6A [029]
Folder 8
- NE site plan 20-45 (“Fig. 9”) [030]
- NE site plan with drains 20-47 (“Fig. 10”) [031]
Folder 9
- Survey of bay to Kephala 20-40, 1966 [032], see [004]
Folder 10
- Wall DJ, elevation facing NE, 1976 [033]
- NW overlay #3 [034]
- N of road 20-7 [035]
- SE overlay #1 [036]
- House E-J, wall BD-Z-CA, elevation & section, north face 20-53(2) [037]
Folder 11
- NE 20-30 [038]
- NW 20-6 [039]
- SW 20-5 [040]
- NW overlay #2 20-23 [041]
- Kea Period “D” plan 20-92, 1976 [042]
- Old room numbers copied 1974 with 1979 additions [043]
Folder 12
- Trench plan 1967-1970 [044], see [046]
- Unlabeled survey of fields north of site (original mylar at UC) [045]
- Trench plan 1967-1970 20-42 [046], see [044]
- Survey N [047]
- Survey #0 1961 trenches [048]
Folder 13
- Underwater survey, 1974 (has been revised) [049]
- Underwater survey 1974, amended 1977 [050]
- Underwater West 20-8A, revised 1966 [051]
Folder 14
- Tree plan, 1971 (original is on tracing paper, faint pencil) [052]
- unlabeled plan from Area G (tracing of original) [053]
- unlabeled plan from Area M (tracing of original) [054]
- Troullos 20-25 [055]
- Work grid sheet 20-1 (for initial triangulation work) [056]
- Main period plan 20-44, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1976 [057]
- Site plan 20-43, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970 [058]
- Kea period “G and H” plan 20-114 [059]
- Kea grid 1961 (ink) [060]
Folder 15
- West sector, LBA, 1968 [061]
- NW section #4, final 20-50, 1970 [062]
- West sector, MBA (wall DJ) & LBA, 1969 [063]
- work sheet-NW area section facing NE, 1970 (revised) [064]
Folder 16
- Trench plans 1:50 - originals on tracing paper. Attention: brittle and torn, FRAGILE! [not counted nor numbered]
Folder 17
- Trench plans, 1963 (Areas N, C-D-E-J, North extension-X, NE-B-G-M-L-N) [065-066-067-068]
Folder 18
- W-E section [069]
Folder 19
- Kea state plan SE 20-4, 1987 [070]
Folder 20
- Kea state plan NW 20-6, 1987 [071]
- Kea state plan SW 20-5, 1987 [072]
- Kea state plan NE 20-3, 1987 [073]
Folder 21
- Plan of temple by S. Bousaki [Bouzaki] after LEC, 1980 [074]
Box 20 [flat storage-Dexion shelves]
- Kea 20-96, House A section 1 [075]
- Kea 20-97, House A section 2 [076]
- Kea 20-98, House A section 3 [077]
- Kea 20-99, House A section 4 [078]
- Kea 20-100, House A section 5 [079]
- Kea 20-101, House A section 6 [080]
- Kea 20-102, House A section 7 [081]
- Kea 20-103, House A section 8 [082]
- Kea 20-104, House A section 9 [083]
- Kea 20-105, House A section 10 [084]
1975 (originals with W.W. Cummer):
- Kea 20-84, House A, wall base plan [085]
- House A, floor plan (?) (graves) [086]
- House A, late plan (?) [087]
Box 21 [flat storage-Dexion shelves]
- Ayia Irini site, fortifications, 1966-1967 [088]
- unlabeled plan (drainage system?), 1967 [089]
- schematic sketch 20-19, A-B 1963 [090]
- unlabeled plan (NE sector, fortifications and temple) [091]
- Kea 20-49, Area J, 1971 [092]
- Kea 20-4, SE [093]
- Kea rough site plan “A” 1:500, pencil on mylar (original) [094]
- Kea survey levels “F” (survey), pencil on mylar (original) [095]
- Kea worksheet “G”, 1961, pencil on mylar (original) [096]
- Kea West underwater 20-8 (superseded by Kea 20-8a revised 1966 on mylar) [097]
- Kea 20-122 Northwest well, plan & section facing SW [098]
- NW overlay #1 20-6A [099], see [029]
- Ayia Irini site plan, 1966-1967-1968 [100]
- Trench plan, 1967 [101]
- NW overlay #2 [102]
Kephala Drawings (originals):
- Kephala survey, original worksheet 1/2 P (Kea S-1A) [103]
- Kephala general 1:500, trench location (superseded) [104]
- Kephala sketch map 1:2000 (Kea Q-8) [105]
- Kephala 1:500, 1965 worksheet for areas and grid points [106]
- Kephala survey, corrected worksheet 1:500, 1963 (Kea S-1) (superseded 1965) [107]
- Kephala unlabeled excavation plan [108]
- Kephala unlabeled excavation plan [109]
- worksheet for north field survey, 1964 [110]
- survey worksheet (north, center, south fields) [111]
- Bay of Vourkari & Korissia, unlabeled plan (coastline & contour lines) [112]
- coastline from Kephala to Korissia with bay of Vourkari & Korissia, unlabeled plan (coastline & contour lines) [113]
- Kephala partial worksheet, 1965 combining 1964 points & 1963 worksheet [114]
- Kephala, Area L, sections [115]
- Kephala, NW section schematic, Areas H, K, J, G, E [116]
- Kephala Area F, cemetery 20-35, 1969 [117]
- Kephala, section through graves XL, XXXIX & I [118]
- Kephala, unlabeled worksheet (section through graves) [119]
- Kephala 20-32, Areas F, D 1:50 [120]
- Kephala 20-33, Areas H, J 1:50 [121]
- Kephala 20-31, Areas K, L 1:50 [122]
- Kephala 20-34, Areas E, G 1:50 [123]
- xerox of worksheet, 1971 [124]
Box 22 [flat storage-Dexion shelves]
- Geological map of Kea 1:50,000 (IΓΜΕ) [125]
- unlabeled plan (survey points) area N of the church (original) [126]
- unlabeled plan (survey points) area N of the church (copy) [127]
- Kea 1:200 survey #0 1961 trenches [128]
- Kea 20-4, SE 1:50 [129]
- Kea 1:200 survey #0 1961, 1963 trenches -promontory of Ayia Irini-areas calculated June 1964 by R. Holzen (total: ca 10,250 m2) [130]
Box 23 [flat storage-Dexion shelves]
- Kea 20-50 #3, worksheet NW area section facing NE 1:50, 1970 revised [131]
- Kea 20-50 #4, worksheet NW area section 1:50, 1970 final from revised worksheet [132]
- Kea 20-24 #3 NW overlay (EB walls) [133]
- Kea survey N 1:200 with contour lines (2 copies) [134a + b]
- Kea underwater survey 1:200, 1974 (topographical overlay) (2 copies) [135a + b]
- Kea underwater survey 1:200, 1974 amended 1977 using aerial photos (debris, location of large stones etc) (2 copies) [136a + b]
- Kea 20-72, N end cross section E-W facing S showing bedrock [137]
- Kea 20-73, N end cross section E-W facing S showing bedrock [138]
Box 24 [flat storage-Dexion shelves]
Kephala plans (copies):
- Kephala survey worksheet S-revised combines 1963-1964-1965 data [139]
- Kephala 20-37 Area F (cemetery) “platforms”, 1971 (pl. 10) [140]
- Kephala 20-36A Area F (cemetery) “overlay”, 1971 (pl. 9) [141]
- Kephala 20-36 Area F (cemetery) “cemetery”, 1971 (pl. 8) [142]
- Kephala unlabeled plan showing trenches, 1971 (pl. 11) [143]
- Kephala 20-59 Areas G, H plans/sections, 1971 (pl. 6) [144]
- Kephala 20-57 Areas E, J, K plans/sections, 1971 (pl. 5) [145]
- Kephala 20-58 Area D plan/sections, 1971 (pl. 4) [146]
- Kephala 20-60 AreaL plan/sections, 1971 (pl. 7) [147]
Subseries I.4: Photographs
Box 25
Kea Photography Notebooks KΦ 1-8 [total: 8]
Kea Photography Notebook KΦ-1 (1967-1970), with photo and film record stub in back pocket
Kea Photography Notebook KΦ-2 (1970-1972), with loose notes in back pocket
Kea Photography Notebook KΦ-3 (1972-1974)
Kea Photography Notebook KΦ-4 (1975-1976)
Kea Photography Notebook KΦ-5 (1977-1979), with loose note in back pocket
Kea Photography Notebook KΦ-6 (1979-1983)
Kea Photography Notebook KΦ-7 (1984-1986)
Kea Photography Notebook KΦ-8 (1987-1989)
Box 26
Kea Photography Notebooks Ι-VII [total: 7]
Kea Photography Notebook I (1960-1964)
Kea Photography Notebook II (1964-1968)
Kea Photography Notebook III (1966-1968)
Kea Photography Notebook IV (1968-1970)
Kea Photography Notebook V (1971-1973), including index of photos of seals and impressions taken by Pini and Tessmann in 1971, index of KD series (drawings of architectural plans, 1965-1971, 1974-1976), X series (miscellaneous sizes of negatives), KCX series (miscellaneous color prints, 1971)
Kea Photography Notebook VI (1974-1976), including index of miscellaneous series (DAI photos by Hellner 1974 & KE)
Kea Photography Notebook VII (1976), up to p. 69, the rest is blank
Loose sheets of paper with lists of:
- prints and originals sent to Cincinnati (1973),
- Kea negatives not at Cincinnati (1988),
- Kea architectural plans in Cincinnati (after 1974 season),
- xerox of House A plan,
- Kea drawings of pots and objects in Cincinnati after 1972 season
Box 27
Total: 12 albums with photographs Kea Views I-XII (1960-1987):
Kea Views I (1960-1963)
Kea Views II (1963-1964) & Kephala
Kea Views III (1964-1966) & Kephala & Troullos
Box 28
Kea Views IV (1966-1967) & Troullos
Kea Views V (1967) & Kephala
Kea Views VI (1968-1969)
Box 29
Kea Views VII (1969-1970)
Kea Views VIII (1970-1972)
Kea Views IX (1972-1974)
Box 30
Kea Views X (1974-1976)
Kea Views XI (1976-1986), 2 loose sheets of contact prints (aerial photos 1977 Myers)
Kea Views XII (1987), up to p. 22, the rest is blank
Box 31
Total: 7 albums with photographs of Kea Miscellaneous Objects I-VII (1960-1987):
Kea Misc. Objects I (1960-1966)
Kea Misc. Objects II (1966-1970)
Kea Misc. Objects III (1970-1973)
Box 32
Kea Misc. Objects IV (1973-1975)
Kea Misc. Objects V (1975-1977)
Box 33
Kea Misc. Objects VI (1977-1980)
Kea Misc. Objects VII (1980-1987)
Box 34
Total: 13 albums with photographs of Kea Pottery I-XIII (1964-1989):
Kea Pottery I (1960-1964)
Kea Pottery II (1964-1966)
Box 35
Kea Pottery III (1966-1968)
Kea Pottery IV (1968-1970)
Box 36
Kea Pottery V (1970-1971)
Kea Pottery VI (1972-1974)
Kea Pottery VII (1974-1975)
Box 37
Kea Pottery VIII (1975-1977)
Kea Pottery IX (1977-1979)
Box 38
Kea Pottery X (1979-1981)
Kea Pottery XI (1982-1985)
Box 39
Kea Pottery XII (1985-1986)
Kea Pottery XIII (1987-1989)
8 loose contact prints (proof sheets) 1988, 1989 [mixed pottery, misc. objects, general]
Series II: Study and Publications
Subseries II.1: Reports
Box 40
Kea Reports: 21 manila folders with copies of typewritten reports
Folder 1
Kea report 1960 (3 copies)
Folder 2
Keos short reports 1960-1962, including correspondence and notes
Folder 3
Keos short reports 1963, including correspondence (1963-1964), copies of plans/sections and a short report on the cemetery at Kephala (1963, Th. W. Jacobson)
Folder 4
Short reports 1964, including handwritten version of the report by JLC and correspondence
Folder 5
Keos ILN 1962 (correspondence with The Illustrated London News; photos of Kea published in the issue dated May 19th, 1962)
Folder 6
Kea 1966 short report, including correspondence and notes as well as 1969 correspondence with TAP for publication of 1966 report in the Deltion; attached to the report copies of plans/sections
Folder 7
Kea 1967 Short reports, various versions, copies of site plan, including notes and correspondence (1967-1968)
Folder 8
Kea short reports 1968 season, various versions and copies, including notes and correspondence 1968-1969, handwritten original included, typewritten description of visit to Kea by John W. Warrington.
Folder 9
Kea short report 1969, various copies, including Mary Eliot’s paper in San Francisco Dec. 1969, notes and correspondence 1970-1971
Folder 10
Kea short report 1970, various copies, with original photos of plans attached, notes
Folder 11
EBA at Ayia Irini for Archaeology magazine 1970, including correspondence and Keos 1970 short report
Folder 12
Kea short report 1971, various versions and copies with copies of plans attached and notes
Folder 13
Short reports 1972, various versions with plan of House A attached and copies including handwritten version of the report by JLC, notes
Folder 14
Kea short reports 1973, various versions for various recipients including handwritten version of the report by JLC, various copies, including notes and correspondence 1973
Folder 15
Kea short report [1974], 1975, including correspondence 1975 [only 1975 material found]
Folder 16
Keos short reports 1976, multiple copies, copy of site plan attached, including notes and correspondence 1976
Folder 17
Kea 1977 short reports, multiple copies including handwritten version of the report by JLC and handwritten abstract by JLC for AIA, copy of site plan, notes
Folder 18
Keos 1980 short report (one copy)
Folder 19
Keos 1980 short report [+ diary], including handwritten version of the report by JLC and notes
Folder 20
1981 staff reports: M.E. Caskey, E. Schofield (Environs of Houses C and F), J.L. Davis (Period VI), J.C. Overbeck (Period IV), G. Overbeck (pottery and graves Period IV), H. Georgiou-N. Faraklas (survey of the island of Keos), R. Torrence (the chipped stone artifacts: a progress report)
Folder 21
Kea reports: Keos 1967 short report, Keos 1969 handwritten version of short report, Keos 1970 short report, various offprints of Kea reports/publications (some have multiple copies) and clippings [correspondence with R.L. Polk and Co, City Directory of Cincinnati, 1975-1977--irrelevant to Kea material]
Box 41
Area A
Folder 1
House A: the excavation, position in the town, etc (JLC), September 1975 (notes, outlines, plans, 2 letters of E. Schoefield)
Folder 2
Area A, Room I, House C: study of the pottery (E. Milburn-Schofield) (catalogues, plan, profiles)
Folder 3
House A: synopsis of rooms and interpretative synopsis, 1973, photo lists, correspondence, notes, plan, concordances 1981
Folder 4
Area A 1961, 1963, 1964, Area C/House A (Rooms 6, 7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 5, 1) 1968, Area A 1971: reports, lists of lots and finds, notes, plans, list of renumbering rooms in House A and list of potsherds from House A taken to Chora Museum 1976
Folder 5
House A 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 architecture/stratigraphy reports (W.W. Cummer), 1972 excavation of pithoi in SW and NW corners of Room XIII=31 (Miriam Caskey), notes, plans/sections.
Folder 6
House A 1976, 1977, 1980 architecture and stratigraphy reports (W.W. Cummer), including copies of the various chapters, correspondence between JLC and WWC, outline of the publication, security copy of “Alleys and Drains of House A”
Folder 7
House A 1968, 1969, 1976 pottery reports (E. Milburn-Schofield), including a copy of “Rooms 1-4: the stratigraphy” and “Kea conical cups EMS’s system of classification” (1976)
Folder 8
House A miscellaneous objects 1975, 1976 reports (S. Andreou), including draft of catalogue and various lists
Box 42
Areas B, C, D, E, G, J, N
Folder 1
Area B: 1966 report on temple road (road IX) and B rooms in Building G (Katie Butt) including sections
Folder 2
Areas A-B: test H-E alley between Houses A-B 1975 report (Aliki Bikaki), including plans/sections
Folder 3
House B: 1976, 1984 reports (Aliki Bikaki), including plans/sections and correspondence with JLC
Folder 4
Area B: terracotta sculpture, 1976 concordance of inventory-field-lot and field-inventory-lot (cleared 1977), including notes
Folder 5
Temple short reports 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987 (MEC), including 1988 correspondence with (E. Milburn-Schofield), “Dionysos in the temple at Ayia Irini, Keos” (abstract of MEC’s paper read at AIA meetings 1979), offprint of MEC’s “Ayia Irini, Kea: the terracotta statues and the cult in the temple” (1980/1981)
Folder 6
Area C: 1961 (EVM), 1963 (J.C. Overbeck), 1968 (C11, House E, House D) (M.Eliot), 1969 (C6, C7, J19) (M.Eliot) reports, including plans/sections
Folder 7
Area C: 1970 (Leslie Preston), 1970 pottery & stratification (M. Eliot), 1971 (C10) (M. Eliot), 1972 (J.C. Overbeck), 1973 (J.C. Overbeck), 1975 (J.C. Overbeck) reports, including plans/sections
Folder 8
Areas C & F (western sector): 1978 report (W.W. Cummer), 1979 report on House C and its environs (E. Schofield), 1980 report on House F and its environs (E. Schofield), 1981 report on environs of Houses C & F (E. Schofield)
Folder 9
Areas D, E, J, M, N, G (city wall): 1961-1968 reports (E.G. Carlson, W.G. Kittredge) including plans and pottery profiles, notes [continues in folder 10]
Folder 10
[continued from folder 9]
Areas D, E, J, M, N, G (city wall): 1969-1972 reports (W.G. Kittredge) including M. Eliot’s 1970 report on removal of kiln in angle between walls K and I (Area N5), JLD’s 1974 notes on WGK’s 1972 report, plans, pottery profiles, notes, JLD’s 1974 report (trench D4, wall K) and JLD’s 1975 report on the Northeastern Triangle
Box 43
Areas F, G
Folder 1
Area F (House F): 1964, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970 reports (A. Osborne, L. Preston, W. W. Cummer) including plans and sections
Folder 2
Area G: 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968 reports (A. E. Osborne, E. M. Stehle, A. J. Christopherson) including plans and sections. Christopherson’s 1968 report includes Area M outside Wall A [continues in folder 3]
Folder 3
[continued from folder 2]
Area G: 1969, 1970, 1978, 1984 reports (A. E. Osborne, J. G. Younger, M. Eliot, C. Hershenson, EVS) including plans and sections [continues in folder 4]
Folder 4
[continued from folder 3]
Area G: 1973, 1974, 1975 reports (M. Eliot) including plans and sections, 1975 report on Conical Cups (M. Bikakis)
Areas L, M
Folder 5
Area L: 1961, 1963 reports (Philip H. Auerbach, T. Blackburn) including plans and sections [continues in folder 6]
Folder 6
[continued from folder 5]
Area L: 1966 report (K. Butt) including plans and sections, notes
Folder 7
Area M: 1964, 1966, 1967, 1976, [1986] reports (J. Coleman, Jack L. Davis) including plans and sections
Box 44
Areas N, Q, R, T, X
Folder 1
Area N (northern sector): 1974 report on trenches N21 and N24 (JLD) including plans, 1984 synthesis on Area N (JLD), 1984 contributions to Area N (EVS)
Folder 2
Area Q: 1967 report (Jeffrey Kaimowitz) including plans and sections (typed version and manuscript)
Folder 3
Area R: 1967 report (Jeffrey Kaimowitz) including plans and sections (typed version and manuscript), 1985 report (Aliki Bikaki)
Folder 4
Area T (Troullos): 1966 report including Troullos lots and finds, plans and drawing, 1969 pottery examination (AEO)
Folder 5
Area X: 1963 report (Th. W. Jacobson) including plan and sections
Box 45
Folder 1
Kephala: 1961, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1969, 1970 reports (Philip H. Auerbach, Th. W. Jacobson, J. Coleman) including plans and reports on pottery, carbonized seeds and metal objects. Also, list of sherds taken to Chora Museum (Aug. 19, 1976)
Folder 2
Kephala report on pottery (J. Coleman? 1969-1970), with notes and drawings, including plans of graves and letter of Roger [Holzen] to JLC, Sept. 1970
Folder 3
Kephala scientific reports: J.L. Angel’s report on human skeletons (1973?), J. M. Renfrew’s 1970 report on seeds and J. Coy’s on animal remains, K. Konophagos’ 1971 report on slag (in Greek and English) with copies of graphs (samples 1-10, with no 7 missing)
Folder 4
Kephala 1961 field drawings, 1969, 1971 and 1973 pottery drawings and Kephala general site plan with areas to be fenced.
Box 46
Folder 1
Kephala correspondence (J. Coleman/JLC), 1970-1972, including one letter of Kassie to JLC and a copy of Conophagos’ letter to J.Coleman [more on metallurgy in Box 54, folder 3], photo lists for publication, few drawings, a copy of 1971 J. Coy’s report on animal remains and her 1972 revised copy
Folder 2
Kephala publication: copies of concordances, line drawings, foreward, list of plates, copies of plans and drawings
Folder 3
Kephala publication: 1974 copies of 95 plates
Folder 4
Kephala: copies of J. Coleman’s thesis plates (mostly plans) including copy of preface, Kephala obsidian 1971 drawings (Mary Webb)
Box 47
Folder 1
- Gatewood Overbeck’s notes (1973, 1982) and reports (1974, 1983) on the Ayia Irini graves, 1973 catalogue, including concordances, site plans, dissertation corrections and additions (1976)
Folder 2
Graves [continued]:
Copy of G. Overbeck’s catalogue (for Tucker Blackburn), 1976 corrections & additions, dissertation corrections and additions (1978), various lists (Graves still visible on the site, Animal bones according to J. Lawrence Angel misidentified as human bones and discarded 1972)
Folder 3
Frescoes, plaster:
- Kassie Abramowitz Coleman’s notes 1961-1970 [copy]
Folder 4
Frescoes, plaster [continued]:
- Kassie Abramowitz Coleman’s 1965, 1966, 1968 & 1973 reports
- L. Morgan’s and E. N. Davis’ 1985, 1986 & 1987 reports
- lists of inventoried fragments 1968, various lists 1970-1971, 1986
- correspondence JLC-Kassie Abramowitz Coleman (1972, 1976), E. Schofield/Tucker Blackburn re. requests for photos (1983), letter by Αγνή Σακελλαρίου 1966 and various letters 1975, various letters with requests 1986
- notes, drawings of fragments, pamphlet
(Pottery & Period Studies)
Box 48
Folder 1
Domestic pottery & objects, loomweights (H. Georgiou): reports (1974, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1986-1987) including shapes of whorls & loomweights (1963), 1979 manuscript “Utilitarian and Domestic Pottery from Ayia Irini in Keos”, correspondence with JLC (1974-1979), see also Box 54, folder 2 for analysis of samples (carbonized material)
Folder 2
Domestic pottery & objects (H. Georgiou) [continued]: copies of relevant records, catalogue cards/drawings (1975, 1976)
Folder 3
Domestic pottery & objects (H. Georgiou) [continued]: concordances, notes, correspondence with Tucker Blackburn mostly regarding publication (1979-1980), plates and copies of plates (photos, drawings)
Folder 4
Conical cups: charts of shapes, notes, “once more the conical cups” (satirical poem by Karl Petruso, 1979)
Folder 5
Potter’s marks (A. Bikaki): copies of plates (photos, drawings), contact prints (1980), correspondence with Tucker Blackburn regarding publication (1981), lists
Folder 6
Potters’ marks (A. Bikaki) [continued]: AHB’s notes on potters’ marks from Phylakopi (National Museum Cycladic Collection)
Box 49
Potters’ marks (A. Bikaki) [continued]: catalogue cards with photos
Box 50
Folder 1
Aliki Bikaki’s notes and files on areas R & Q, including photos/contact prints, copies of site plans and copy of J. Kaimowitz’s 1967 report on Area Q; mostly 1985
Folder 2
Folder 3
Folder 4
Box 51
Folder 1
Early Bronze Age pottery-Periods I-III (M. Eliot, D. Wilson):
- 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 reports, lists (periods I-III, EBA level sequence), notes
Folder 2
Alex MacGillivray’s notes on comparisons to Keos EBA pottery (Delos, Mt Kynthos), 1978 (handwritten and typewritten copy)
Folder 3
EBA sherd count sheets: House E, House D (1983) [copy]
Folder 4
EBA sherd count sheets: Area J (Building XI) (1984) [copy]
Folder 5
Middle Bronze Age pottery-Period IV-Period D (J.C. Overbeck, Gatewood F. Overbeck):
- JCO’s 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982 and 1983 reports on stratigraphy and ceramic sequence in Middle Cycladic Ayia Irini, including plans/sections and descriptions of various wares, various lists and general plan of site, summary account of Middle Cycladic Pottery at Ayia Irini with attached letter (14/4/1975), “Middle Cycladic Pottery at Ayia Irini” (paper presented at AIA meetings in Washington, D.C., Dec. 1975), drafts of various chapters, “Consistency and Diversity in the Middle Cycladic Era” (abstract JCO-GFO)
- GFO’s 1981 and 1982 reports
- copy of GO’s “An elaborate Middle Cycladic Ridged Jar” (paper presented at AIA meetings in Boston, Dec. 1979)
Folder 6
Middle Bronze Age pottery-Period IV (J.C. Overbeck, Gatewood Overbeck) [continued]:
- JCO’s deposit drafts (catalogue and stratigraphy manuscript, first fascicle, last revision 1978-1979), including list of samples of Kea Gray Minyan taken by Richard Jones and I. Maniatis (1979)
Box 52
Folder 1
- JCO’s correspondence with Tucker Blackburn regarding publication (1980) with attached lists and a copy of the summary of stratigraphy, lists of inventoried objects by lot (Period IV)
Folder 2
Period IV (D) pencil drawings for JCO (John Bonda, 1976)
Folder 3
Period IV (D) drawings (GO & SB, 1981, 1982)
Folder 4
Period V (F) (Jack L. Davis):
- JLC’s 1975, 1976, 1978 and 1979 reports, including 1976 catalogue of Period V deposits, 1982 list of published deposits and JLD’s dissertation outline (1976)
Folder 5
Period VI (Jack L. Davis):
- JLC’s 1981, 1982, 1983 (Periods VI-VII), 1983-1984 (Periods VI-VII), 1986 report and 1987 report on the rooms southeast of the main gateway and between the temple and the town wall
Folder 6
Period VIII (Carol Hershenson-Christine Morris):
- CH’s 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 report
- CM’s 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 report
Mycenaean pottery:
- E.B. French’s 1977 notes on material from Ayia Irini, 1972 notes on LHI-LHIIB pottery and 1970 notes on pottery from the palace at Pylos
Folder 7
Alfred Osborne’s pottery study
- AO’s 1969 study (“A tentative outline of the development of the Kean Ceramic tradition”), including notes, copies of notes and few drawings
Folder 8
Archaic & Classical pottery (Katie Butt):
- KB’s pottery study, notes, drawings, drafts of KB’s Hesperia article, relevant correspondence with Tucker Blackburn and JLC as well as JLC to Marian McAlister (1975, 1976-1977)
- xerox of KB’s, “A deposit of Archaic and Classical Greek pottery at Ayia Irini, Keos” (Hesperia 46 (1977), 299-314)
Folder 9
Late Roman pottery (John W. Hayes):
- JWH’s 1984 first draft on (Late) Roman pottery
Folder 10
Bronze Age pottery: correspondence, observations, chronology
- various notes and comments (by Ph.P. Betancourt 1974, Robin Barber 1976, Penny Mountjoy 1980)
- MEC’s 1981 report on pithoi from Area M
(Small Finds)
Box 53
Folder 1
Terracotta Figurines (Gatewood F. Overbeck):
- GFO’s 1975, 1976 reports and 1976 catalogue, notes, copies of catalogue cards (1972-1973)
- copies of drawings of terracotta figurines
- notes/revised version made in 1977 (after a review of the material by Lisa French) (MEC-LF)
Folder 2
Weaving and objects used for it (Jill Carington-Smith):
- JCS’s 1971 catalogue of bone artifacts, cord impressions, stone objects, and miscellaneous terracotta objects all associated with weaving
- correspondence with JLC (1970), notes
Lead Weights, lead finds (Karl Petruso, Susan Mossman):
- KP’s 1980 lists and correspondence with JLC and Tucker Blackburn (1980), notes
- SM’s 1984 report on lead finds
Chipped stone artifacts, obsidian (Robin Torrence):
- Blade study/descriptive statistics from various sites and accompanying letter to JLC (1976)
- RT’s 1980, 1981, 1982 reports
- 1981 note on Giali obsidian from Ayia Irini (RT, J.F. Cherry)
Folder 3
Sealstones, seal impressions (John Younger-MEC):
- JGY’s 1969 (temporary description), 1970 catalogue and study of sealstones, drawings
- drafts of 1972-1973 catalogue of sealstones (MEC in consultation with JGY), notes
- JGY’s 1970 and 1972 catalogue of seal impressions on pottery, drawings, including JGY’s 1973 translation in German
- JGY’s “Early Bronze Age seal impressions from Keos” (1972) draft with JLC’s comments and corrections
- drafts of 1972 catalogue of stamped hearth, pan rims and jars (MEC in consultation with JGY)
- JLC’s 1973 study of seals and seal impressions, notes and various lists
- correspondence (Ingo Pini-Tucker Blackburn, 1973; Paul Yule to JLC, 25/3/1976)
- CMS sample pages (xeroxes)
Folder 4
Bone Tools (Olga H. Krzyszkowska):
- OHK’s 1968-1975 and 1978 catalogue of tools and other pieces of bone and antler (with 1983 corrections), 1978 typology, various lists, drawings, corrections, correspondence with JLC and Tucker Blackburn (1978, 1979)
-OHK’s 1983 report on worked bone and related materials
Folder 5
Bronzes and other metals
- 1980 list of Kea bronzes
- 1985 list of gold and silver objects from Kea
- correspondence on bronze pins (Lucia Vagnetti-JLC, 1977)
Folder 6
Drawings of miscellaneous objects (mostly copies)
Subseries II.2: Samples and Scientific Analyses, Surface Surveys, Geomorphology
Box 54
Folder 1
- R.E. Jones’ summary of pottery analyses including Schofield’s comments on Jones and letter of R. Jones to ES (20/7/1982)
- Spectrographic analysis (H. Catling, Anne Millett, 1965, 1968), correspondence with Warren Stubbins (1962), H. Catling (1967), J.D. Frierman, I. Perlman (1972), ES (1978), A. Millett (1969, 1978), A.M. Pollard (1979) including offprints and copies of articles, lists of samples
- Fred Matson’s firing experiments (1965)
- Sample potsherds for Derek Walton for archaeomagnetism-analysis (1980) with 7 photos attached
- Report on clay and lithic samples by Sarah Vaughan (1987)
Folder 2
- Carbon analysis: lists of samples (Hansen 1992) (2 copies) with accompanying official documents
- Carbon-14 samples (Kea samples 1967, R. Stuckenrath; Kephala samples 1970, H.W. Krueger; Kea samples 1976-1977, G. Weinstein) including relevant correspondence, also letter from J. Coleman to JLC
- General list of all samples taken (1973), total list of samples in Kea (1976, 1992)
Carbonized material:
- Correspondence JLC-R.C. Koeppen, JLC-Roger Miller, Hara Georgiou, JLC-Maria Hopf and JLC-E. L. Bennett on the fate of the samples (1975, 1977), notes (see Hara Georgiou’s study of domestic pottery, Box 48, folders 1 & 2)
Folder 3
- correspondence JLC-R.H. Brill (lead, slag etc), 1961-1962, 1964, 1966
- correspondence Mrs. Caskey-Arthur Steinberg/Cyril Smith (bronze, slag, crucible), 1965-1966
- correspondence JLC-C. Conophagos (Κ. Κονοφάγος), 1971 and letter of J. Coleman re. Conophagos’ work on samples from Kephala, 1971, lists of samples (crucibles), copy of Conophagos’ report on Ayia Irini crucible samples, 1971
- correspondence JLC-J.D. Muhly (Keos ingot, crucibles etc) including R. Maddin’s report on Keos ingot, photo of crucible from Lerna and other relevant material (official documents for exporting samples, R. Tylecote’s CV etc), 1973, 1974, 1975
- lists
- copy of R. Tylecote’s 1973 report on “The significance of metallurgical finds at Kephala and Ayia Irini”
- extract from report on Wertime Expedition, 1973
- correspondence JLC/ES-N.H. Gale (lead, bronze) including lists of samples and 2 photos of samples, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984
Folder 4
Human Bones:
- correspondence J. Lawrence Angel-J.L.Caskey-Gatewood Overbeck (1979), re. skeletons from graves excavated at Ayia Irini, including identifications of bones
- lists/notes of human bones studied, 1972
- Angel’s short list 1969 (Kephala F-Late Neolithic)
Animal Bones:
- various lists (1972-1994) and notes
- Jennie Coy’s 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1976, 1980 and 1983 reports on animal bones (mammal & bird bones and mollusca), including correspondence with JLC and Tucker Blackburn (1972, 1973, 1977, 1980)
- AJF’s 1974 list
Folder 5
Frescoes, plaster:
- list of samples for analysis (R. Jones)
- correspondence E. Davis-B. Perdikatsis re. analysis of pigments (1986-1987)
- technical examination of fresco samples by Lawrence J. Majewski & M. Reich, 1967-1971
- letter of J. W. Thieret to JLC on identification of plants
- Φυτά της ανασκαφής στην Αγία Ειρήνη by Καλλιρρόη Κλουτσινιώτου, 1976
- letters of Reuben G. Bullard to JLC re. stone and earth samples, plaster, 1967, 1972
- list of samples, note
- comments of Bernard Anderson, 1972
- G.R. Rapp’s 1977 analysis of worked stone with 1979 corrections (handwritten and typewritten version)
- Curtis N. Runnels’ 1977 summary of observations on the volcanic stone tools
- list of earth samples, 1981 (Ch. & D. Vitaliano), letter of Ch. Vitaliano to J. Davis, 1982
- identification of stone objects by Ian Whitbread, 1982
Surveys of the island:
- Survey of the island of Keos, Hara Georgiou & N. Faraklas, 1979-1981
- An archaeological intensive surface survey of northern Keos, J. Davis & J. Cherry et al., 1983-1984
- Landscape evolution at Ayia Irini and vicinity, Kevin Pope, 1984
Subseries II.3: Publications
Box 55
Folder 1
Binder with Kea index of publications (copy), unpublished monographs (mostly PhD dissertations), abstracts, newsletters, published photos/plans
Folder 2
American School publications: regulations/instructions, procedure, agreements, correspondence, including list of Kea publications/studies (copy)
Folder 3
Princeton University Press: correspondence
Folder 4
Technical data for publication of photos, drawings/plans (Tucker Blackburn’s notes)
Folder 5
ETB’s analysis of numbering systems (for publications), 1980
Box 56
Keos II, part 1
Terracotta statues files (Keos II, part 1): index cards with photos
Box 57
Terracotta statues files (Keos II, part 1): index cards with photos
Box 58
Terracotta statues files (Keos II, part 1): index cards with photos
Box 59
Folder 1
Xerox of preliminary catalogue and copies of notes (Keos II, part 1)
Folder 2
Notes (catalogue) (Keos II, part 1)
Folder 3
Proofs of plates (Keos II, part 1)
Folder 4
Xeroxes of plates with notes (Keos II, part 1)
Folder 5 [accession # 2024_17]
5 Kodak boxes with 4’x5’ color negatives of fresco fragments for Lyvia Morgan’s study of Kea wall paintings, photographers Craig & Marie Mauzy, 1990s; three of the boxes are labeled Set B and contain negatives # 1-123.
Folder 6 [accession # 2024_17]
16 sheets of printouts numbered 1-5 (multiple copies) and 3 with no number.
Series III: Administrative Records and Correspondence
Box 60
Folder 1
Correspondence with Greek authorities/Archaeological Service (Kondis, Papademetriou), director of ASCSA (Henry Robinson) mostly about issues of excavation permits, land acquisition/expropriation, security, storage of antiquities; copies of JLC’s reports; copies of JLC’s letters
Folder 2
1961-1970, 1974 [no 1965] [includes correspondence with members of the Kea Excavations staff, applications, correspondence with Greek workmen/staff, correspondence with members/staff/faculty at ASCSA; copies of JLC’s letters]
Folder 3
Correspondence with Greek authorities/Archaeological Service (Tzedakis, Zapheiropoulou, Tsakos), ASCSA officials (Colin Edmonson, C.K. Williams) mostly about issues of excavation permits, excavation logistics, storage of antiquities and the Chora Museum (1976-1979, 1980), notes, newspaper clipping, copies of plan of Ayia Irini apotheke (1977), various general site plans and views of site (photos)
Folder 4
E. Schofield, Director:
- Director’s reports (E. Schofield), 1982 (2 copies + NEH grant interim report + NEH Annual Report), 1983, 1984 (2 reports), 1985 (2 reports), 1986 (2 reports), 1987, 1988-1989 (2 copies)
Folder 5
Tucker Blackburn, Kea Assistant and Acting Director (1989):
- Director’s assistant’s reports: (ETB) 1981, spring/summer 1982, autumn/winter 1982-spring/summer 1983, winter 1983-summer 1984, autumn 1984-summer 1985, autumn/winter 1985, spring/summer 1986, autumn/winter 1986, spring/summer 1987, autumn & winter 1987/spring 1988, spring/summer 1988, autumn 1988/winter & spring 1989 including Kea staff 1989 list; (MEC) 1981 report
Folder 6
- Tucker Blackburn’s files (1974-1993), mostly clerical-secretarial business, including lists of drawings, instructions for writing inventory cards, lists of Kea staff, correspondence, various lists, apotheke plans, concordances, Keos book reviews (1993), CV, notes [continues in next folder 7]
Folder 7
- Tucker Blackburn’s files (1974-1993), mostly clerical-secretarial business [continues from previous folder 6]
Folder 8
- Tucker Blackburn’s files with copies of various lists re. antiquities in the Chora Museum [antiquities transferred to the museum in Chora, 1983 (revised in 1988); Chora Museum cases, 1982; Chora Museum storage, 1982; Concordances, 1986 (with 1988 and 1992 revisions)] and note “How to find things in Chora Museum”
Box 61
Folder 1
Inventory (annual, summaries):
- “How to inventory” directions (ETB, 1983)
- summary of items inventoried each year (pottery and miscellaneous objects, 1960-1989) and list of Pottery inventoried in 1986-1989
- annual lists of inventoried objects (pottery and miscellaneous objects, 1966-1989), including inventories of supplies, list of antiquities moved to Chora in 1989 and lists of last number given (Kea Inventory, Sept. 1989)
- copy of annual lists with copy of ETB’s letter to Kea staff (Jan. 14, 1986)
Folder 2
- lot concordance-terracotta sculpture (pre-1979)
- concordance of Kea room numbers (1981)
- Keos inventory numbers-Aliki Bikaki’s catalogue numbers (1984)
- Keos inventory numbers-Hara Georgiou’s catalogue numbers (1985)
- The Temple-concordance of small objects and inventoried pots
- 1 bound volume of concordances (Museum number-to-Inventory number and Inventory number-to-Museum number) (1992)
Folder 3
Various maps of Kea, surveys of coast from Kephala
Folder 4
Lists of photographs (1970-1988) and negatives (1988)
Folder 5
Photo correspondence (requests for photos, form letter, procedure for getting Kea and Lerna photos, photo advice for Carol Zerner) (1968, 1970-1974, 1978-1983)
Folder 6
- lists of Kea microfilms
- JLC’s letter to J. McCredie re. microfilms (1972), referring both to Lerna and Kea material, samples (of xeroxes)
Folder 7
Staff housing 1978, 1980-1987, 1989, including 1978 correspondence, notes
Folder 8
Supplies, equipment, packing lists:
- various lists of supplies (end of season 1971-end of season 1986, architectural supplies needed end of season 1970), notes
- various packing lists, mostly for storage (1969-1978)
- 2 notebooks (expenses bookkeeping, 1968-1970) [«βιβλίον εξόδων διατροφής Κέας»]
Folder 9
- various manuals
Box 62
Chora Museum:
Folder 1
- 3 bound volumes with inventories of antiquities transferred to the museum in Chora, 1983 (some lists revised between 1984-1988)
Folder 2
- 1 bound volume of concordances (Museum number-to-Inventory number and Inventory number-to-Museum number), 1986 and 1992 revised version
- 1 bound volume of box and tin number lists, 1989 and one extra print-out copy (1992)
Folder 3
- various lists of objects taken to the museum in Chora or removed from Chora to Ayia Irini, 1977, 1982, 1983 (see bound volumes), 1986, 1987, 1988, notes
- list of Chora museum cases, 1982 and list with order of areas/Chora Museum location
Folder 4
- plans of museum showing display cases (exhibition) and storage space (1977), various notes and sketches, lists re. display of objects (1979)
Series IV: Excavation accounts
Box 63
Accounts, budget
Folder 1
Accounts in Greek drachmae I: 10 May 1961- 13 August 1967 [xerox copy]
Folder 2
Accounts in Greek drachmae II: 1967-1972 [original ledger]
Folder 3
Accounts in Greek drachmae III: 3 November 1972-3 July 1977 [original ledger]
Folder 4
Accounts in Greek drachmae IV: 3 July 1977-1981 [original ledger including loose notes and 1981 vouchers]
Folder 5
Records concerning excavation budget (expenses, accounts, funding) 1979 -1982
Box 64
Folder 1
Vouchers 1961 (drachma)
Folder 2
Vouchers 1963
Folder 3
Vouchers 1964
Folder 4
Vouchers 1965
Box 65
Folder 1
Vouchers 1966
Folder 2
Vouchers 1967
Folder 3
Vouchers 1968a
Folder 4
Vouchers 1968b
Folder 5
Vouchers 1969
Box 66
Folder 1
Vouchers 1970
Folder 2
Vouchers 1971a
Folder 3
Vouchers 1971b
Folder 4
Vouchers 1972a
Folder 5
Vouchers 1972b
Box 67
Folder 1
Additional vouchers 1978
Folder 2
Vouchers 1979a
Folder 3
Vouchers 1979b
Folder 4
Vouchers 1980a
Folder 5
Vouchers 1980b
Folder 6
Vouchers 1981 and records (deposits), including some Lerna expenses and some 1980 leftovers
Series V: Miscellaneous
Box 68
Folder 1
Newspaper clippings (Greek and foreign press), 1960s-1970s
Folder 2
Folder 3
Folder 4
Box 69
Folder 1
- correspondence with Virginia R. Grace and related material, re. stamped amphora handles and coins (1963-1972), including copies of correspondence with J.G. Février
- 29 b/w photos of finds from Kitsos Cave (Mme Lambert, Aug. 1972)
- 3 b/w photos of Neolithic figurines from Samos and private collection P.R. Franke (from E. Lazaridou, 1971)
- post cards of Cycladic figurines from the National Archaeological Museum
- post card of Panayia Kastriani (Kea)
- b/w photo of Τείχος Δυμαίων (Μαστροκώστας, Έργον 1966)
- letter of Colin Renfrew to JLC (19/9/1964) with 13 b/w photos of Saliagos site and finds
- post card from Sweden, 7/8/1971
- xeroxes of various articles, notes & 2 photos of vessel shaped in animal’s head (?)
- Thera 1968 (E. Vermeule): contact prints of finds from Akrotiri, xeroxes and note of Cornelius Vermeule on behalf of Emily Vermeule
- xerox of plate showing Archaic hydria from Tocra, 1963-1965 (Boardman, J., 1973)
Folder 2
- Phylakopi pottery (33 b/w photos of plates of JHS 1904 publication)
- 9 b/w photos of pottery from Kastri, Kythera
- xeroxes of various publications of LMIB vases from Crete and 2 postcards from the Herakleion Museum
- newspaper clippings on archaeological finds not related to Kea, 1971
Folder 3
Conservation / Technical data:
- Cleaning methods, conservation: correspondence, notes, xerox of article, bulletin on properties of Elvacite acrylic resins
- xeroxes of articles on how to draw pottery
Folder 4
4 DVDs with Kea photos (Kea Views I-XII, Kea pottery III-XIII, Kea pottery I-II & Kea objects I-VII, photos for Liz’s Book [also saved on ASCSA’s Digistore]
Box 70
- JLC’s beret
- Kea keys (trunks, boxes, cases, files)
- sample of mud/soil from inside K4420 pithos with disc decoration; in the plastic bag, mud/soil from outside the pithos, 1976
Box 71
1 suitcase (UC) with photographic equipment and one small pillow
Box 72
Tucker Blackburn’s suitcase (workbox) with photographic equipment, miscellaneous files (including lists of photos taken, copies of permits), Kea keys, office supplies
Box 73
2 typewriters (one is a Corona Special) used by Hill, Blegen and Caskey; repaired and used by MEC 1975-1980.
Key (initials in notebooks):
JLC = John L. Caskey
EGC = E.G. Caskey
AB/AHB = Aliki Bikaki
EM/EVM=ES = Elizabeth Milburn=Elizabeth Schofield
WK/WGK = William Kittredge
PHA = Philip H. Auerbach
ETB = E.T. Blackburn [Tucker Blackburn]
Eric C/EC = Eric G. Carlson
TWJ = T.W. Jacobson
JCO = J.C. Overbeck
AO = Alfred E. Osborne
JEC = John E. Coleman
KAC =Kassie Abramowitz-Coleman
MEC = Miriam E. Caskey
LEC = L.E. Cotsen
WWC = W.W. Cummer
KB = K.L. Butt
JK = J.H. Kaimowitz
EMS = E.M. Stehle
AJC = A. J. Christopherson
LP = Leslie E. Preston
ME/MWE = Mary Eliot
JLD/JD = Jack L. Davis
JGY/JY = J. G. Younger
CKW= Charles K. Williams