Pylos Excavations Records

Series I: Excavation Records
Subseries I.1: Excavation & Pottery Notebooks
Subseries I.2: Plans & drawings [in flat storage]
Subseries I.3: Photographs
Series II: Study & Publications
Subseries II.1: Reports
Subseries II.2: Publications
Series III: Administrative Records (including miscellaneous files) & Correspondence
Series IV: Excavation accounts
Series V: Piet de Jong’s Watercolors of the Pylos frescoes
Series VI: Conservation Project & Digitization
Series VII: Secondary Material
Collection Number: GR ASCSA ExcRec 026
Name(s) of Creator(s): Carl W. Blegen (1886-1971)
Title: Pylos Excations Archive
Date [bulk]: 1939, 1952-1969
Date [inclusive]:
Language(s): English
Summary: The excavations at the site of Ano Englianos at Pylos were conducted by the University of Cincinnati under the direction of Carl W. Blegen, initially in 1939 (with K. Kourouniotis) and from 1952-1969 (with Spyridon Marinatos). The Pylos Excavations Archive contains excavation notebooks, reports, drawings and plans, photographs, correspondence, administrative records, accounts, and watercolors by Piet de Jong (see Series V).
Quantity: 3.9 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Carl W. Blegen, 1971
Information about Access: The collection has been cataloged and is available for research after consultation with the ASCSA Archivist and the Director of Record of the Pylos Excavations.
Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Pylos Excavations Archive (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Αρχείο Ανασκαφών Πύλου)
Notes(1): The catalog was prepared by Leda Costaki in 2016
Notes (2): For additional information about the Pylos' excavations, see William L. Taylor Papers and Carl W. Blegen Papers
For more information, please contact the Archives:
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
Phone: 213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
Contact via E-mail
Series I: Excavation Records
Subseries I.1: Excavation & Pottery Notebooks
Key (initials in notebooks):
CWB=Carl W. Blegen
EPB=Elizabeth P. Blegen
WAMcD=William A.McDonald
GEM=George E. Mylonas
MR=Marion Rawson
WDT= William D. Taylour
RH=Rosemary Hope
ELB=Emmett L. Bennett
RJB=Robert J. Buck (Bob)
RH=Rolf Hubbe
WPD=W. P. Donovan
DHF=D.H. French
CFK=Caryl F. Kittredge
WGK= William G. Kittredge
PS=Peter Smith
JP=John Pedley
JMcKC=John McK Camp
IH= Eiler (Ike) Henrickson, Jr.
Box 1
(total: 20 notebooks)
1. Pylos 1939 CWB: 1929-1939, with loose notes and cards in pocket [digitized]
2. Pylos 1939 EPB: tombs at Kato Englianos [digitized]
3. Pylos 1939 WAMcD [digitized]
4. Pylos 1952 CWB (including excavation of Archives Room): pages 114-180 blank [attention: fragile, pages have been torn by wear] [digitized]
5. Pylos 1952 GEM (excavation of megaron, including excavation of grave at Volimidia at pp. 190-185): with loose notes in pocket, one of which is a plan of the megaron floor; pages 142-174 blank [attention: fragile, pages have been torn by wear] [digitized]
6. Pylos 1953 CWB: pages 144-185 blank [digitized]
7. Pylos 1953 MR: Area R; with loose notes in pocket; pages 180-195 blank; pp. 196-198 day-to-day description of weather [digitized]
8. Pylos 1953 WAMcD: including notes on ancient sites located during 4 days reconnaissance (pp. 185-190); with loose notes in pocket, one of which is a rough plan of the area showing ancient habitation sites and tombs accompanying the notes on pp. 185-190 [digitized]
9. Pylos 1953 RH: Area H; continued by WAMcD from June 24th, 1953 to July 4th, 1953 [digitized]
10. Pylos 1953 WDT Kanakares, part I (until June 26th, 1953) [digitized]
11. Pylos 1953 WDT Kanakares, part II (from June 27th, 1953 to July 15th, 1953); continuous numbering of pages from part I [digitized]
12. Pylos 1953 WDT Kanakares, part III (from July 15th, 1953): with loose notes in pocket; continuous numbering of pages from part II [digitized]
13. Pylos 1954 CWB: pages 143-187 blank
14. Pylos 1954 MR: Area M; with loose note (sketch of tablet) in pocket; pages 186-205 blank [digitized]
15. Pylos 1954 ELB: Rooms 62, 63, 61, Trench S2, North Room (Trench I); with loose notes in pocket; pages 84-99, 112-1022 [reverse numbering at end] blank [digitized]
16. Pylos 1954 RJB: Area BB, WB [digitized]
17. Small notebook with excavation notes from the tombs (most likely WDT), no date.
18-20. Pylos 1939: 3 notebooks with notes, descriptions and sketches of small objects and pottery from the tombs, 3 loose pieces of paper with notes.
Box 2
(total: 16 notebooks)
1. Pylos 1954-1955-1956 EPB: with loose notes in pocket including one rough sketch plan of the SW wing of the palace 1955 with notes
2. Pylos 1955 CWB: with loose notes in pocket; pages 157-180 blank
3. Pylos 1955 MR: Area M, with 2 loose plans (Palace 1954, N wing) and typewritten report on tombs E-4 and E-6; pages 169-186 blank [digitized]
4. Pylos 1955 WDT: Area T [digitized]
5. Pylos 1955 RH: NW area; loose at the back: handwritten preliminary report, Inventory of sherd baskets (continuing numbering of notebook pages pp. 202-229) and letter to Mr. Blegen, May 9th, 1956 [digitized]
6. Pylos 1956 CWB: with loose notes in pocket
7. Pylos 1956 MR: Area ME [digitized]
8. Pylos 1956-1957 WPD: 1956 report on pp. 113-128
9. Pylos 1957 CWB: with loose notes in pocket
10. Pylos 1957 MR vol. I: Area MNE; with loose notes in pocket
11. Pylos 1957 MR vol. II: Area MNE
12. Pylos 1958 CWB: with loose notes in pocket
13. Pylos 1958 MR vol. I: Areas MZ & MY
14. Pylos 1958 MR vol. II: Areas MZ & MY; Notes on plaster from MZ by Mabel Lang on pp. 107-115; with loose note in pocket; pages 185-200 blank
15. Pylos 1958 DHF vol. I: Area MZ Magazine D; with loose notes in pocket, including note to Alan Wace dated July 12th, 1954 (most likely in D. Theocharis’ handwriting); pages 147-181 blank
16. Pylos 1958 DHF vol. II Sealings & Pottery: Area MZ Magazine D; with loose note in pocket
Box 3
(total: 14 notebooks)
1. Pylos 1959 CWB: with loose notes in pocket, including two pages of notes by Marion Rawson for May 17th-20th when CWB was in Athens; pages 158-172 blank
2. Pylos 1959 MR vol. I: with loose note in pocket
3. Pylos 1959 (& 1965) MR vol. II: Belvedere Area 1965 on p. 32 ff; pages 44-70 blank
4. Pylos 1958-1959 EPB: Area EBW & EBSW; parts of the notebook written by Marion Rawson; with loose notes in pocket; pages 176 to end blank
5. Pylos 1960 CWB: with many loose notes in pocket, including visiting cards, notes from visitors to the site, notes on work done in June by Marion Rawson; pages 146-169 blank
6. Pylos 1960-1961-1962 EPB: with loose notes in pocket; pages 166-183 blank
7. Pylos 1960 MR vol. I: with loose notes in pocket [digitized]
8. Pylos 1960 MR vol. II: pages 51-96 and 110-180 blank [digitized]
9. Pylos 1961 CWB: with loose notes and press clippings on the return of the Elgin Marbles in pocket; pages 88-192 blank
10. Pylos 1961-1962 MR: with loose notes in pocket; pages 171-190 blank
11. Pylos 1962 CWB: with loose notes in pocket including visiting cards; pages 152-191 blank
12. Pylos 1962 CFK: reports on the trenches on pp. 70-83; with loose notes in pocket; pages 84-128 blank
13. Pylos 1962 WGK: description of walls on pp. 183-173 (reverse order); with loose notes in pocket
14. Pylos 1963 CWB: M. Rawson keeps notes from June 1st-10th; pages 101-end blank, with the exception of 2 pages at the back
- xeroxes of Pylos 1961-1962 Photolog WGK [J. Davis’s 2008 note: “Given to UC shortly before Caryl Kittredge committed suicide”]
Box 4
(total: 11 notebooks)
1. Pylos 1963 PS: with loose notes in pocket; plastic ruler between pp. 71-72; pages 111-136 blank
2. Pylos 1964 CWB: with loose notes in pocket, including visiting cards; pages 120-end blank with the exception of 3 pages at the back
3. Pylos 1964 JP vol. I
4. Pylos 1964 JP vol. II: descriptions of baskets and sherds; pages 56-end blank
5. Pylos 1965-1966-1967 CWB: only 5 entries for 1967 (May 22nd-26th); pages 159-end blank with the exception of 8 pages at the back
6. Pylos 1966 WPD: with loose notes in pocket; pages 100-end blank, with the exception of 3 pages at the back [gift of Bill Donovan, 2013] [digitized microfilm]
7. Pylos 1968 JMcKC (“trench in the hollow”)-1969 IH (“transverse trench in the hollow”): with loose notes in pocket; pages 87-end blank [digitized]
Pottery Notebooks:
8. Pylos 1953-1954-1955 Pottery MR: Areas R & M; pages 50-96 and 170-174 blank
9. Pylos Pottery MR: Areas R & M 1954, 1955, 1957; with many loose notes; pages 27-42, 48-54, 57-99 and 103-244 blank
10. Pylos 1953-1954-1955 Pottery Inventory (1-586)
11. Pylos 1955-1956-1957-1958-1959 Pottery Inventory (587-1074), including some 1953 & 1954 entries
Box 5
D. Theocharis’ notebooks
Folder 1
1952 notepad with sketches, measurements & notes (palace)
1952 notepad with sketches, measurements & notes (palace)
1953 spiral notebook with sketches, measurements & notes (including notes on excavation at cave of Nestor, 10-13/6/1953), see also plans [111-112]
1953 spiral notebook with sketches, measurements & notes on excavation at cave of Nestor and tholos tomb
Folder 2
1954 notepad with sketches, measurements & notes (palace), including loose papers with notes and drawings
1954 notepad with sketches, measurements & notes (palace)
1955 green notebook with sketches, measurements & notes (palace)
Folder 3
Loose papers (sketches, measurements & notes including trial trench at Tragana and accounts re. workmen’s wages, mostly 1954-some 1953 and 1952), 1:5 drawing of south column base of megaron & one photo reproduction of Travlos’ 1960 plan of the Acropolis of Pylos and Palace of Nestor
Box 6
(total: xeroxes of 11 notebooks)
Folder 1: xerox of 1929, 1939 CWB Notebook
Folder 2: xerox of Pylos 1952 CWB Notebook
Folder 3: xerox of Pylos 1952 George E. Mylonas Notebook
Folder 4: xerox of Pylos 1953 CWB Notebook
Folder 5: xerox of Pylos 1953 MR Notebook
Folder 6: xerox of Pylos 1953 WAMcD Notebook
Folder 7: xerox of Pylos 1959 MR vol. I Notebook
Folder 8: xerox of Pylos 1959 (& 1965) MR vol. II Notebook
Folder 9: xerox of Pylos 1962 CWB Notebook
Folder 10: xerox of Pylos 1962 CFK Notebook
Folder 11: xerox of Pylos 1966 WPD Notebook (2 copies)
Subseries I.2: Plans & drawings [in flat storage]
Box 7
Architectural Drawings (all are copies unless specified as original drawings)
[001] Palace of Nestor: plan, labelled “PYLOS 1955”, mylar (D. Theocharis, 1955), edges damaged
[002] Palace of Nestor: plan, labelled “PYLOS 1955” (D. Theocharis, 1955)
[003] Palace of Nestor: plan (1958)
[004] Palace of Nestor: plan, labelled “PYLOS” (1958)
[005] Palace of Nestor: plan, labelled “PYLOS” (1958), torn & damaged [fragile]
[006-007] Palace of Nestor: plan, 2 copies (J. Travlos, 1964) [digitized in 2006]
[008] Palace of Nestor: plan labelled in red pencil “ΠΥΛΟΣ (Νέον Σχέδιον)” with additions, corrections and notes in pencil
[009] Palace of Nestor (SW building): plan, with handwritten note “George’s trenches with numbers”
[010-011] “Acropolis of Pylos & Palace of Nestor”: plan showing trenches, 2 copies
Vayenas Tholos tomb, Kokkevis tholos tomb and Deriziotis Aloni grave circle
Plans and sections of Vayenas Tholos tomb (1957), Kokkevis tholos tomb & Deriziotis Aloni grave circle, including drawings of finds, numbered 101-107, 201-208 and I-XVI, published in Palace of Nestor vol. III (most in 2 copies):
[012-013] no 101 is addition to no 206 (ill. #353)
[014-015] no 102 is ill. # 191.4
[016-017] no 103 is ill. #326 (Tholos IV)
[018] original drawing in pencil of section of dromos of Tholos tomb IV and no 104 as published (ill. #324)
[019-020] no 104 is ill. #324
[021-022] no 105 is ill. #323
[023] no 106 is ill. #321
[024] no 107 is ill. #325
[025-026] no 201 is ill. #343
[027-028] no 202 is ill. #345
[029-030] no 203 is ill. #346
[031-032] no 204 is ill. #344
[033-034] no 205 is ill. #351
[035-036] no 206 (in two versions) is ill. #353 (see also no 101)
[037-038] no 207 is ill. #352
[039-040] no 208 is ill. #354
[041-042] no I (in two versions) is ill. #330
[043-044] no II is ill. #334
[045-046] no IIΙ (in two versions) is ill. #335
[047-048] no IV (in two versions) is ill. #331
[049-050] no V (in two versions) is ill. #332
[051-052] no VI (in two versions) is ill. #333
[053-054] no VII (in two versions) is ill. #327, see also [073-081]
[055-056] no VIII (in two versions) is ill. #328
[057-058] no IX is ill. #329
[059-060] no X is ill. #336
[061-062] no XI is ill. #356
[063-064] no XII is ill. #355
[065-066] no XIII is ill. #349
[067-068] no XIV is ill. #350
[069-070] no XV (in two versions) is ill. #347
[071-072] no XVI is ill. #348
[073-082] plan of Vayenas Tholos with burial pits, 1957 (9 copies, one of which inked original on cardboard and one printed in reverse view, also original pencil drawing) is ill. #327, see also no VII
[083-084] drawing of arrowheads is ill. # 226
Palace of Nestor
Plans and drawings published in Palace of Nestor vol. I.2:
[085] Map of Western Messenia, ill. #400
[086] Walls of Palace at Ano Englianos (original on mylar), ill. #402
[087-088] Southwestern Building, phases (2 copies), ill. #412
[089] Working copy of Southwestern Building, phases (pencil), see [087-088] and ill. #412 with later additions showing drains
[090] “Loggia” and drain under Court 58 (original, inked on mylar), perhaps earlier version of [091-092] with N sign upside down, see ill. #425
[091-092] “Loggia” and drain under Court 58 (2 copies), ill. #425
[093] (a) Section of cut & MH wall below vestibule of Magazine D seen from W and (b) Plan of MH wall in vestibule cut (July 1958) (original with handwritten notes in pencil)
[094] Trench in SW part of palace (in trench S3?) (original on mylar) (G.A. Papathanasopoulos, 1958)
[095] Plan of Archives Room & Annex-Trench S3, 1952 (original in pencil with inked outline of trench)
[096] Draft of [093] (original in pencil)
[097] Trenches and scarp from finished plan-points & designations from survey sheet (in pencil; traced at Cincinnati, 7 May 1960), see ill. #401
[098] “GP’s trenches 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963” (original, pencil on mylar) (G. A. Papathanasopoulos)
[099-100-101-102-103-104] 6 successive(?) plans of the area to the NW of the Megaron (original, pencil)
[105] Working copy of plan of the area to the NW of the Megaron (G. A. Papathanasopoulos, 1958) (for parts of this plan see [097-100]) (damaged)
[106-107] Area NE of propylon (part of ill. #424) (G. A. Papathanasopoulos, 1958) (original inked on mylar & copy)
[108] Sketch plan of Rooms 23 and 24, ill. #420
[109] Plans [101-102-103-104] on graph paper (original in pencil)
[110] Grid points S1 through S6 (original in pencil) (most likely work of G. A. Papathanasopoulos, see [098-104])
[111-112] Plan of Cave of Nestor: original in pencil and inked showing location of trenches (D. Theocharis; see also Theocharis’ 1953 notebooks)
[113] Mycenaean sites in SW Peloponnese (xerox)
[114] The Pylos district (Mycenaean-Prehistoric sites) (xerox)
[115] Διάγραμμα απαλλοτριώσεως τμήματος ελαιοπεριβόλου κειμένου εις θέσιν «Αιγκλιανός» ανήκοντος εις κληρονόμους Περικλ. Τσάκωνα, 10/12/1948 (original)
[116] Drawing of stirrup jar (56.698) and handles (56.687, 56.684) (inked), ill. #394, no 698
- large size sketch block with spiral binding with drawing of vessel and other small objects in pencil including two loose paper with sketches and notes (from Vayenas tomb?)
Subseries I.3: Photographs
(total: 12 albums [NB: the ASCSA Archives hold no negatives of these photographs; negatives are kept at the University of Cincinnati])
Box 8
Pylos 1939 (see also University of Cincinnati CD I for a PDF file of this album)
Pylos 1952-1953
Pylos 1954-1955
Box 9
Pylos 1956
Pylos 1957
Pylos 1958
Box 10
Pylos 1959
Pylos 1960
Pylos 1961-1962
Box 11
Pylos 1963-1964
Pylos 1964-1965, with envelope with contacts (loose)
Pylos 1965-1966-1967-1968-1969, with loose photos and envelope with photos, and list of pots/film number
Box 12
Folder 1
Loose b/w photographs 1955-1961 (pottery, frescoes, palace-tombs)
Folder 2
Loose b/w photographs and contact prints 1955-1961 (excavation, vases, frescoes) some with handwritten notes at the back (in envelopes labelled “Miss Mabel Lang”: photos of sherds and a pithos, “Kokevis 1959 not needed”: contact prints of views, “Enlargement of Hunting Pot”: PdeJ’s reconstruction of scene rolled out, loose prints: fragment of seal, krater, bits of ivory(?), pithos and stirrup jar)
Folder 3
Slides: views of excavation (palace and tombs), frescoes, few finds, plans (no date, 1958, 1960, 1961-1963)
Folder 4
Slide collection of W.G. Kittredge from 1962-1963 (only in digital format)
Box 13
Clay Tablets, photos
Folder 1
Photos nos 1-50
Folder 2
Photos nos 51-99
Folder 3
Photos nos 100-150
Folder 4
Photos nos 151-199
Folder 5
Photos nos 200-250
Folder 6
Photos nos 251-299
Folder 7
Photos nos 300-350
Folder 8
Photos nos 351-400
Folder 9
Photos nos 401-450
Folder 10
Photos nos 451-499
Folder 11
Photos nos 500-521
Folder 12
Pylos tablets-fingerprints: photographs nos 1-218
Folder 13
Pylos tablets-fingerprints (continued): photographs nos 254-498
Folder 14
Pylos tablets-fingerprints (continued): photographs nos 515-789
Folder 15
Pylos tablets-fingerprints (continued): photographs nos 801-1415
Box 14
(total: 17 boxes of negatives (4x5 inches) of photos of Linear B clay tablets)
no 1: negatives 1-30
no 2: negatives 31-60
no 3: negatives 61-90
no 4: negatives 91-120
no 5: negatives 121-150
no 6: negatives 151-180 (NB: two nos 159, no no. 160)
no 7: negatives 181-210
no 8: negatives 211-240
no 9: negatives 241-270
no 10: negatives 271-300
no 11: negatives 301-330
no 12: negatives 331-360
no 13: negatives 361-390
no 14: negatives 391-420
no 15: negatives 421-450
no 16: negatives 451-486
no 17: negatives 486-521
Box 15
(total: 3 boxes of contact prints of Linear B clay tablets)
no 1: contact prints 1-176
no 2: contact prints 177-352
no 3: contact prints 353-521
Series II: Study & Publications
Subseries II.1: Reports
Box 16
Folder 1
- Report on Tsakalis chamber tombs E4, E6, pit grave E3, 1956-1957
- “Ancient habitation or burial sites in the area of Ano Englianos” by W. A. McDonald (see Box 1, Notebook 8. Pylos 1953 WAMcD)
- “Nestor’s Pylos” (typewritten report of 1956 as presented to the American Philosophical Society, Nov. 16th, 1956), list of figures with legends
- 2 typewritten versions of the 1960 report with list of illustration, various lists
- “Report of leveling from Nestor’s Palace to Rouveli Spring on July 29, 1962” by Jesse E. Fant (associate professor of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota) and handwritten note
- report on eight fragments of clay tablets (“Part II”), 1962
- 1960 report on plaster cleaning (including temporary report on tablets and sealings),
1962 & 1964 plaster report
Folder 2
- 1962 excavation report, handwritten & typewritten (C. Kittredge)
- W. G. Kittredge’s [=WGK] report on excavation NW of the Palace, 1962: handwritten report, index of lots, notes on pottery excavated NW of the Palace (pottery groups), notes [continues in folder 3]
Folder 3
W. G. Kittredge’s [=WGK] report on excavation NW of the Palace, 1962 [continued from folder 2]: photo pottery log, profiles and drawings, typewritten lists including lists of sherds on photographs 1966 (CWB, lower town SW), lists of sherds and miscellaneous objects photographed explaining arrangement on plates, list of sherds recommended for exhibition
Folder 4
- 1963 final report (P. Smith, 2 copies)
- Ceramic notes mostly on fabrics-Palace of Nestor (outline draft), 1963 (F. R. Matson)
- 1964 excavation report (J. Pedley, 2 copies), typewritten page by J. Pedley on The Early Circuit Wall, 1964 and one page with notes
- “The Palace of Nestor. Excavations of 1965” (C. Blegen’s annual report)
Folder 5
Lord William D. Taylour’s [=WDT] first draft on the Kanakares tholos tomb (with cover letter to C. Blegen, March 11, 1966), the Vayenas/Vagenas tholos tomb (with cover letter to C. Blegen, Feb. 11, 1967), the Kokkevis Protogeometric tholos, 1966-1967 [published in Pylos III]. See also, the Lord William D. Taylour Papers
Folder 6
Cover letter and report "Die Tierreste aus dem Palast des Nestor" by Prof. Günter Nobis, Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, 7/11/1989 (to ASCSA Director W. Coulson).
Subseries II.2: Publications
The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, Volume I: The Buildings and their contents [Princeton University Press, 1966]
Box 17
Folder 1
“Out of date mss”: M. Rawson’s handwritten mss, pages not in order [continues in folders 2-6]; Main Building of the Palace, 1962
Folder 2
“Out of date MSS” [continued]: M. Rawson’s handwritten mss, pages not in order
Folder 3
“Out of date MSS” [continued]: M. Rawson’s handwritten mss, pages not in order, including notes and typewritten drafts, some pages/notes in CWB’s handwriting
Folder 4
“Out of date MSS” [continued]: M. Rawson’s handwritten/typewritten mss, pages not in order, including notes, some pages/notes in CWB’s handwriting
Folder 5
“Out of date MSS” [continued]: mostly typewritten mss (draft), including notes in CWB’s and M. Rawson’s handwriting
Folder 6
“Out of date MSS” [continued]: mostly typewritten mss (draft), including pages in CWB’s and M. Rawson’s handwriting
Box 18
Folder 1
Preliminary Matter, History of the Excavation (handwritten notes & corrections by CWB) [first set]
Folder 2
Building Materials and Methods of Construction (=Buildings & Building Materials)
Folder 3
Main Building exterior wall
Folder 4
Main Building Rooms 1-6
Folder 5
Main Building Rooms 7-24
Folder 6
Main Building Rooms 25-43
Folder 7
Main Building Room 44-Court 58, Drains
Folder 8
South Western Building Rooms 59-90
Box 19
Folder 1
North Eastern Building Rooms 91-100
Folder 2
Areas 101, 102, 103, Wine Magazine 104-105
Folder 3
Character, Date and Identification of the Palace (2 copies)
Folder 4
Pot shapes (first draft, 3rd copy)
Folder 5
Pot shapes (second draft, 3rd copy)
Folder 6
Pottery (2nd draft), including photostats of plans
Folder 7
Pottery inventory by Rooms, tombs [including handwritten notes, some written on the back of a copy of H. Robinson’s 1961 report to the Managing Committee (Sept.-Nov.)], “Questions about sealings”, “wall hunt”
Folder 8
Dimensions of pots from palace (types 1-77, 6 pages on Lagos)
Folder 9
Lagos pottery [handwritten notes CWB]
Box 20
Folder 1
Pottery sherd lists and notes (continued) [1939 Trenches, Pottery 1952, S2-S3-S4-S5-S6-SE1, Corridor 25 NW pit, Area ME & M, Area R 1953]
Folder 2
Pottery sherd lists and notes [HS 1958=Hall 65, EBSW 1959]
Folder 3
Pottery sherd lists and notes (continued) [EBW 1960, 1961, Portico & Court, Lagos trenches III, IV, V, Sherds miscellaneous 1965, Sherds 1965: 64.4 Extension 1965 64.11 Extension 1965, Sherds 1965: S corner, Trenches WB 1, WB 2, WB 3, Area RH, Exterior Propylon 1, Drains, Miscellaneous: chasm NE of propylon, Section H & HS (Rosemary), Trench above tool shed, Anas 2, W5a, W7 (McDonald), excavations for columns (Kolokatsas), Rooms 88-89(?)]
Folder 4
Pottery sherd lists and notes (continued) [Lists of boxes and barrels, Sherds PNW 1959 Trenches 22-40, MNE Pottery]
Folder 5
Lists of sherds and miscellaneous objects from outside the palace photographed 1965 & 1966 (EBW 1958), handwritten and typed versions
Folder 6
Notebook with M. Rawson’s notes (mostly pottery comparanda from other sites) [most pages blank]
Folder 7
Remains found underneath the Palace of Mycenaean IIIB (Main Building, Southwestern Building), including handwritten pages
Box 21
Folder 1
History of the Excavation (pp. 1-68), The Site (pp. 69-79), Buildings and Building Materials (pp. 80-102), Main Building-The Exterior Wall (pp. 103-135) (handwritten notes & corrections by Marion Rawson) [second set]
Folder 2
Main Building Rooms 1-6
Folder 3
Main Building Rooms 7-20
Folder 4
Main Building Rooms 21-32
Folder 5
Main Building Room 33-Stoa 44
Folder 6
Main Building Corridor 45-Room 57
Folder 7
Court 58, Drains
Folder 8
Southwestern Building Ramp 59-Room 81
Folder 9
Exterior wall of Southwestern Building, Northwestern Buildings [including Circular Structure 87 & Court 88, Rooms 89-90]
Folder 10
Northeastern Building Ramp 91-Room 100
Box 22
Folder 1
Area between Northeastern Building and Wine Magazine (Areas 101, 102, 103), Wine Magazine
Folder 2
The Pottery, pp. 988-1001
Pottery shapes 1-48, pp. 1002-1099
Folder 3
Pottery shapes 49-80, pp. 1100-1204
Character, date and identification of the palace, pp. 1205-1218
Folder 4
Preliminary matter (various drafts with handwritten notes and additions): title pages, contents, foreword (acknowledgments), legends for illustrations, abbreviations. Also: plan of publication and style sheet.
Folder 5
Index vol. I: index (version sent to Princeton University Press with handwritten corrections, 2 copies), index of references to illustrations (hand-and typewritten)
Folder 6
“Illustrations for publication”: binder with plates’ setup and instructions for printing
Folder 7
Doorways (copies of plans)
Box 23
Folder 1
Miscellaneous notes, memoranda, documents, most related to publication of vol. I, but also unrelated material, for example invitation to the Fourht International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies at Cambridge, April 1965.
Folder 2
“Sent to MR” [=Marion Rawson]: copies of letters of CWB to MR, mostly with notes on editing revised manuscript (1964) and miscellaneous notes, inserts & corrections
Folder 3
“Inserts to be typed (vol. I)”: miscellaneous handwritten notes on changes, inserts and suggestions (CWB, MR)
Folder 4
Correspondence re. publication of The Palace of Nestor, 1963-1965: C. Blegen, Marion Rawson, Harriet Anderson (Princeton University Press), J.L. Caskey; copy of Princeton University Press Reader’s Report. Among the letters, copy of a letter by M. Rawson to P. Dawnay for reproduction of photos from Troy (1965).
Folder 5
“Galley proofs of The Palace of Nestor, vol. I with notes sent to Marion Rawson (Sept. 1965)”: correspondence between Marion Rawson and Carl Blegen, including correspondence with Princeton University Press (1965-1966) and John Peckham (Meriden Gravure Company, 1966), Curt W. Beck re. analysis of amber samples from Pylos (Dec. 1965), individual letters by J.L. Caskey to R. Stillwell (Jan. 17, 1966), Greek staff at Chora (1965, 1966), Harriet Anderson’s (Princeton University Press) letter of congratulations to C. Blegen for being awarded the AIA Gold Medal (Jan. 6, 1966); notes, list of complimentary copies to send, copy of 1965 excavation report
Box 24
Duplicate Proofs, 1965
Folder 1
Proofs 1: plates with handwritten corrections and additions to labels of photos & plans.
Folder 2
Proofs 2: plates with handwritten corrections and additions to labels of photos & plans.
Folder 3
Proofs 3: plates with handwritten corrections and additions to labels of photos & plans.
Folder 4
Proofs 4: plates with handwritten corrections and additions to labels of photos & plans.
Folder 5
Pottery shapes: xeroxes of profile drawings with handwritten notes
Pottery figures in vol. I: loose profile drawings of pottery (proofs)
The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, Volume II: The Frescoes [Princeton University Press, 1969]
Box 25
Folder 1
Frescoes (Mable Lang), vol. II: notes on plaster content of Palace (Oct. 1962), plaster catalogue by provenience (Feb. 1965), questions and notes, general introduction, introduction to catalogue, palace survey of plaster remains and decoration, outside survey of plaster remains; “changes suggested by Mabel” with CWB’s & MR’s notes, 26/12/1963 [not clear if it belongs with vol. III material]
Folder 2
Frescoes (Mable Lang), vol. II: catalogue
Folder 3
Vol. II: Photos outside walls 1: suggested illustrations (xeroxes of plates), notes, lists
Folder 4
Vol. II: Photos outside walls 2: suggested illustrations fragments of frescoes (xeroxes of plates)
Folder 5
Three prints of Pied de Jong’s watercolours of frescoes [oversize—kept separately]
The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, Volume III: Acropolis and lower town: tholoi, grave circle, and chamber tombs; discoveries outside the citadel [Princeton University Press, 1973]
Box 26
Folder 1
Vol. III: draft (hand-and typewritten)
Folder 2
Vol. III: draft, notes
Folder 3
Vol. III: draft, notes, including two rough plans on tracing paper
Folder 4
Vol. III: the circuit wall, including notes
Folder 5
“Plans NE gateway, Belvedere area, trenches W39-W47”: Belvedere area, remains found under the Palace of Mycenaean IIIB, Building X, exploration of stratification NW of Main Building, including list of photographs
Folder 6
“Vol. III: revisions for Marion Rawson (rooms 7-24, pp. 65-146)”: handwritten text on NE Gateway and Wall, few typewritten pages, including lists of objects sent to the National Archaeological Museum (in Greek)
Folder 7
The SW area: typewritten manuscript sent to C. Blegen by M. Rawson (pp. 77-83)
Folder 8
Miscellaneous drafts and objects from Vol. III: notes, lists, handwritten texts, typewritten text “Tholoi & Chamber Tombs”, handwritten early draft of foreword to vol. III (CWB), outline of vol. III with CWB’s handwritten notes
Folder 9
“Outside walls and objects 1-37”: lists, notes, handwritten drafts; also two election leaflets, one of which has a reference to C. Blegen (1964 municipal elections)
Folder 10
“Pylos papers”: lists of objects found, notes
Folder 11
“Objects found, second draft, Vol. III”: draft of catalogue, excavation report (?) in Greek, notes, copy of plan of Tholos tomb 3
Folder 12
Objects from tholos tombs and chamber tombs, Vol. III: mostly handwritten lists, few typewritten lists including “Pylos Photographs taken in National Museum 1964”, notes
Folder 13
Objects found, Vol. III: draft of catalogue (1969) (multiple copies)
Folder 14
Draft of Tholos Tomb III, analysis of potsherds from TholosTomb III and catalogue of objects found with C. Blegen’s corrections and inserts.
Folder 15
Catalogue of miscellaneous objects from outside the Palace: handwritten lists by trenches, typewritten list of corrections on Cincinnati copy of manuscript
Box 27
Pylos Tablets
NB: For photos & negatives of tablets, see Series I.3, Boxes 13-15
Folder 1
Pylos tablets: C. Blegen’s hand-written notes on finding places of the tablets, including typewritten list “Provenience of 1960 tablets”, notes pertaining to the photographing of certain tablets.
Folder 2
Pylos tablets: D. Theocharis’ notes on the Pylos tablets with sketches (notebook and loose notes/lists), 1954-1955
Folder 3
Pylos tablets: notes and lists (including material from Emmett L. Bennett, 1960s), “Sketch for introduction of concordance, 1960”, “Tentative texts of the tablets found at Pylos, 1955”
Folder 4
- Correspondence (Emmett Bennett to CWB 1955, 1960, 1961), various lists & notes (M. Rawson, C. Blegen) including “Concordance of numbers of 1954 Pylos Tablets”
- Correspondence Emmett Bennett & J. Caskey (1957, 1958), J. McCredie (1971), including a copy of an ink drawing on tracing paper of Pylos tablet 641 and a list of film numbers of tablets
Folder 5
Pylos tablets: list of photographs of tablets in the Archives of the American School of Classical Studies
Folder 6
E.L. Bennett, The Pylos Tablets, texts of the inscriptions found 1939-1954, Princeton University Press for University of Cincinnatti, 1955 [C. Blegen’s copy of the book]
Seals & Sealings: Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel (CMS) I Athen (Sakellariou, A. 1964)
Folder 7
Seals & Sealings: proofs of CMS I Athen, Nrs. 299-349 (Pylos-Palast) (Sakellariou 1964) with handwritten corrections.
Folder 8
Seals & Sealings, continued: proofs of CMS I Athen, Nrs. 350-382 (Pylos-Palast) and Nrs. 287-295 (Pylos-Gräber) (Sakellariou 1964) with handwritten corrections. Also, notes, lists, concordances and correspondence, mostly re. photos of sealings (M. Rawson, A. Sakellariou, the CMS editor, 1964); 4 large size sheets with contact prints of seals & sealings with corpus & museum numbers and other notes
The Palace of Nestor: A Brief Guide, 1962
Folder 9
- The Palace of Nestor A Brief Guide, 1962: layout of the picture book by Marion Rawson, notes
- copy of A Guide to the Palace of Nestor, The University of Cincinnati 1962 with handwritten corrections for third printing in 1967 including two typewritten pages with corrections
Series III: Administrative Records (including miscellaneous files) & Correspondence
NB. For excavation permits see ASCSA AdmRec 204/25
Box 28
Folder 1
- Chora Museum Inventory of miscellaneous objects from the tombs arranged by areas (Vayenas, Kokkevis, Dheriziotes, Tsakalis, Paraskevopoulos, Nikos’ olive orchard, Kondou 1)
- Stack of loose index cards with descriptions of objects (mostly questions and things to check)
Folder 2
- Plaster catalogue (by category with storage location)
- List of photographic work to be done by Emile - frescoes (1966), including two loose papers with sketches of pottery
Folder 3
Lists of sherds and miscellaneous objects photographed, various years and list of sherds (earlier than Palace) for exhibition
Folder 4
Small objects: lists of finds including 1953 finds from Tholos tomb and “Pylos 1953-1954 objects in National Museum not on other lists”, “Pylos seals & Sealings”, “Pylos 1939 the Palace”, “Pylos 1952, 1953, 1954, 1956 the Palace” (“lists of things still in Athens and returned to Chora”)
Folder 5
- sketch plan of part of the Palace [found in Box 11, F8 “Pylos 57, expenses” at Cincinnati]
- handwritten & typewritten lists of figures & illustrations, notes (C. Blegen)
- one sheet with profile drawings of two pots by F.S.
Folder 6
- Miscellaneous documents, including resolution of Ministry of Προεδρία της Κυβερνήσεως (G. Papadopoulos), 12/5/1967 on banning circulation of certain books (with attached list of books), notes including accounts (1969) and correspondence (letter by Ernst Meyer, 24/5/1954, letter by D. Kahn, 2/10/1969 with attached xerox of ch. 24 “Ancestral Voices” of his book The Codebreakers, New York 1967, letter by A. Mantura, 19/10/1964 with caricature of history, note from the National Bank of Greece to the Hellenic-American Women’s Club – Ελληνοαμερικανική Λέσχη Γυναικών)
- Sketch drawing of trees by Stathis Androutsakis, 18/6/1969 (pencil) (Στάθης Ανδρουτσάκης)
Folder 7
- “Pylos Matters 1963-1964” (Marion Rawson, C. Blegen): correspondence re. publication of Vol. I, small finds, etc. Also correspondence with H. Anderson (Princeton University Press), J.L. Caskey.
- notes, drafts, lists (among other matters: list of photographs taken in the National Museum, 1964 and Classification of pottery shapes-Vol. I).
Folder 8
Pylos varia:
- two letters of Marion Rawson to C. Blegen, Nov. 9th and Nov. 14th with attached lists [post-1963]
- copy of book review of D.L. Page’s, History and the Homeric Iliad, 1959
- “The Phaistos Disc. Solution, explanation, translations” by Susan Lawshe, 1967 (xerox of paper)
- C.F.C. Hawkes, “The date of the Knossos tablets”, The Oxford Magazine, Feb. 27th, 1964, pp. 228-229
- list of Ephors and Epimeletes of Antiquities (in Greek), June 7th, 1962
- photographs (one is of Throne Room from W)
- drawings on mylar (stratigraphic section of area outside SW wall of throne room)
- empty envelope
- inventory list of objects and documents in the Chora Museum in Greek n.d. (recent).
- small Olympic Airways notepad with M. Rawson's notes on display methods and maintenance work at the Palace (gift of Charikleia Androutsaki through J. L. Davis, July 2023, Acc# 2023-08).
Folder 9
- Correspondence, including letters by Mabel Lang, Marion Rawson; copies of letters by C. Blegen to J. Caskey (re. expenses), Marion Rawson, letter by K. Kourouniotis, 22/3/1938, empty envelope
- handwritten corrections & suggestions for AJA report (M. Rawson)
- storage lists (1960 and later)
- notes, various lists (including Fresco Drawings by Folders 1964) & documents (including πρωτόκολλο παραλαβής 2 ενεπιγράφων πινακίδων by the National Archaeological Museum, 1/8/1964)
Folder 10
“Pylos Papers 1963-1964”: correspondence (letters by H.A. Thompson 1964, Lord William D. Taylour’s [=Billy], 1959, copy of letter to E.Kohler of The University Museum, 1960), various lists & notes (M. Rawson, C. Blegen)
Folder 11
Material from and to Marion Rawson, spring of 1971: letters, notes, lists of things to be checked, typewritten excerpts of E. Blegen’s 1939 notebook on bones
Folder 12
Newspaper clippings: a) related to the excavations of the palace at Pylos, b) other topics and one empty envelope
Series IV: Excavation accounts
Box 29
Folder 1
Workmen’s pay, 1939, 1952-1966
total: 9 booklets with weekly logs of workmen’s pay (1939 & 1952, 1954, 1955, 1956-1958, 1958-1960, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1966)
Folder 2
- 5 booklets with accounts in Greek drachmae (daily expenses, mostly food) (1954, 1955-1956, 1956 & 1959, 1957, 1958 with loose notes from 1953, 1951 list of tools etc) and CWB’s booklet of accounts 1956-1961 including loose notes and receipts
- Bankbook (βιβλιάριον Ταμιευτηρίου) in drachmas in the name of CWB, 1956 (Pylos branch of the National Bank of Greece)
Folder 3
Foreman’s accounts & vouchers, 1955
Folder 4
Foreman’s accounts & vouchers, 1955
Folder 5
Foreman’s accounts & vouchers, 1957
Folder 6
Vouchers 1965-1968
Series V: Piet de Jong’s Watercolors of the Pylos frescoes
Series VI: Conservation Project & Digitization
Box 30
Microfilms of Pylos Notebooks 1960-1969 (microfilmed for the University of Cincinnati in 1998)
Film 1 (master) ASC MN 001.1-1.8
Film 2 (master) ASC MN 002.1-2.8
Film 3 ASC MN 001.1-1.8 (copy)
Film 4 ASC MN 002.1-2.8 (copy)
Total: 3 CDs (University of Cincinnati)
CD I (+1 copy) and CD II containing PDF images of excavation notebooks (scanned from the microfilms) and original photo albums, accompanied by a booklet with instructions for use of the CDs and space for comments.
Series VII: Secondary Material
Box 31
Folder 1
- Interview with Charikleia Androutsaki, wife of foreman D. (Nionios) Androutsakis, 20/10/2012 [digital format]
- Pamphlet Το Ανάκτορο του Νέστορα / The Palace of Nestor (University of Cincinnati / Costa Navarino) (2 copies)
- Τα Νέα της Τέχνης, αρ. 250 (Ιούλιος-Σεπτέμβριος 2020), "Ημερολόγια Ανασκαφής", p. 42-46 (J. Davis and others).
Folder 2
- "Making Ready the Feast" Cooking with Nestor, Pylos Greece 2020: a compendium of recipes prepared by the team members of the Palace of Nestor Excavations, spring and summer 2020. These dishes were prepared while in quarantine in Pylos, Greece during the Covid-19 virus pandemic.
- Uncovering Pylos. A Look at 80 Years of Archaeological History and Discoveries at the Greek World's Best Preserved Mycenaean Palace, Archaeological Institute of America, 2020.
- booklet Ε. Παπαδοπούλου, Η προφητεία του Γρύπα, εικονογράφηση Ρ. Μεταλληνού, Διάζωμα 2019.